PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You should know better than to conduct yourself in this concerted manner. You certainly have a brass neck and have certainly put the wind up me. String everyone along with your puns why don’t you :-)
Sadds, I admit to saying what I said in the opening piece, the rest has clearly been orchestrated by others.
Just been having a FB conversation with some Airfix pilot (glueless kit) who is another of those ill informed people who has already passed sentence and found City guilty. Honestly, there is no getting through to these people sometimes. It went like this1000059540.jpg1000059542.jpg1000059543.jpg1000059548.jpg
Doubtless to say this font of knowledge was a Liverpool supporter coming up with what they are good at. Excuses.
We are now in the 6th year of a PL investigation / fact finding / arbitrary process.

An arbitration process starting in February this year was leaked in full within 3 months to the press.

Commercially sensitive information from a similar UEFA process was leaked to the New York Times to Panja during the investigatory stage to cause damage (we all know by who).

There has not been one shred of potential evidence leaked about these charges, nothing, nil, nada,not a whiff has been smelled of or heard about by even our most pernicious enemies in football or the media. Does that tell us something? I appreciate its conclusive of nothing but it tells me something.
We are now in the 6th year of a PL investigation / fact finding / arbitrary process.

An arbitration process starting in February this year was leaked in full within 3 months to the press.

Commercially sensitive information from a similar UEFA process was leaked to the New York Times to Panja during the investigatory stage to cause damage (we all know by who).

There has not been one shred of potential evidence leaked about these charges, nothing, nil, nada,not a whiff has been smelled of or heard about by even our most pernicious enemies in football or the media. Does that tell us something? I appreciate its conclusive of nothing but it tells me something.
Well, just a load of emails really but that's all

Forgive me for linking footballinsider and forgive me again for linking quotes from that guy Wyness who seems to be popping up with disturbing regularity.

But I thought this was interesting. I seem to remember years ago there was talk that Mansour could be involved in arranging a FIFA club competition. I wonder if it has legs beyond the CWC? Infantino is close to Saudi and the club is close to Infantino (I think). Anyway just something I thought was interesting to think about ....

If only to get away from the damn puns. Enough punishment already.

Something here about Infantino/Softbank


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