PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think it's fair to say some people are just a bit more pessimistic in their outlook on life in general. That just the way things are. At one or two points I don't mind admitting I have felt a bit down about the whole thing and felt that the PL and Cartel were going to make sure they got their way come whatever, especially with all the constant negative media crap we have had to endure. But then I have had a quick recheck and thought actually no, based on the evidence I have seen City have done nothing significantly wrong I've reminded myself of Khaldoons strong rebuffal of the accusations and thought bring it on.
Very good post.

There's fuck all to suggest a pile of evidence against us and from Big Kal's comments I'd trust him 100% more than the Prem/media bullshit that's peddled.

Peddling BS can only get you so far and I feel that the 'baddies' have hit a big fuck off dead end.
My own view is that it is likely to be a huge points penalty introduced during next season or the 25/26 season. Probably enough to relegate us to the Championship but definitely sufficient to knock us out of Europe. I just don't think they will attempt to relegate us into oblivion.
Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the breaches, I have no problem with that. But what in your view happens to the PL, the red tops +1 if City are cleared at the tribunal and Khaldoons words, " irrefutable evidence" are ringing in their ears. In this instance I would leave out any view on non cooperation.
I think it's fair to say some people are just a bit more pessimistic in their outlook on life in general. That is just the way things are. At one or two points I don't mind admitting I have felt a bit down about the whole thing and felt that the PL and Cartel were going to make sure they got their way come whatever, especially with all the constant negative media crap we have had to endure. But then I have had a quick recheck and thought actually no, based on the evidence I have seen City have done nothing significantly wrong I've reminded myself of Khaldoons strong rebuffal of the accusations and thought bring it on.
Glad you have reloaded. I have never wavered in my belief that we have not falsified our accounts. I was supremely confident during the CAS case and posted “we will be cleared” several times.
My only doubt here is whether the panel is swayed by the noise. If they are steadfast in sticking to the evidence, WE WILL BE CLEARED. Stefan is confident that the panel will do a good job. So all is good, bar the redshirts being thrown a bone on a minor issue or non-co-operation. I am content with that. The issue then becomes whether the media and the redshirts shut up. They won’t, so a few letters before action will be needed. As for rival fans, who cares? We are City.
My own view is that it is likely to be a huge points penalty introduced during next season or the 25/26 season. Probably enough to relegate us to the Championship but definitely sufficient to knock us out of Europe. I just don't think they will attempt to relegate us into oblivion.
Do you think we're guilty then?
My own view is that it is likely to be a huge points penalty introduced during next season or the 25/26 season. Probably enough to relegate us to the Championship but definitely sufficient to knock us out of Europe. I just don't think they will attempt to relegate us into oblivion.
Which charges do you think we’re guilty of?
Putting aside your reasons for holding this pessimistic view ( which I disagree with), it's probably too late to reach AND implement a decision of this magnitude all within the coming season - the hearing has still to be arranged and concluded, then the time needed to reach a decision and then the time for an appeal process to be lodged and concluded. So in view of the timescales involved we are probably looking at a decision in the next closed season to allow the whole process to be concluded within 2025/6.
So what are talking about? The 26-27 season?
Conversely, The PL might be finished by then. The way it’s going.
Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the breaches, I have no problem with that. But what in your view happens to the PL, the red tops +1 if City are cleared at the tribunal and Khaldoons words, " irrefutable evidence" are ringing in their ears. In this instance I would leave out any view on non cooperation.
I’m hoping, and firmly believe either way, that the case we have brought against the PL will prove or at least demonstrate to them that their definition of non cooperation is flawed and that we were justified in our business protective actions.
This all due to the bad faith and sanctionable actions by one or several members of the PL membership.
I.e. the systematic leaking of confidential documentation and collective distribution of misinformation by the cartel group.
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Just to take a step back for a minute and look at the lay of the land - Commercial Businesses still signing up with us, Hedge funds still going into partnership with us, Agents and players still willing to come to us, other clubs planning to use our model. None of this shit makes sense in the real world. All these entities would absolutely NOT go anywhere near us with a ten foot barge pole if there was even a whiff of wrong doings.

That's before you start on the implications for states and politicians, accountants, solicitors, auditors etc.

It feels like we are being dragged into even considering it.

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