PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I always get an uneasy feeling about all of this when I think about Yaya and his agent. Although it is reported that they have denied anything underhand going on, I still feel uneasy…
We've had a few like that over the years. Tevez too had an agent who seemed to think that he was the owner of the player and before that there was an agent by the name of Willie McKay who sounded like he'd drunk three or four bottles of whisky before slurring his way through a radio interview. I suppose it always happens when a club comes into money but without a Chief Executive who knows the game inside out. I don't think we'll ever suffer that fate again.
We've had a few like that over the years. Tevez too had an agent who seemed to think that he was the owner of the player and before that there was an agent by the name of Willie McKay who sounded like he'd drunk three or four bottles of whisky before slurring his way through a radio interview. I suppose it always happens when a club comes into money but without a Chief Executive who knows the game inside out. I don't think we'll ever suffer that fate again.
Willie McKay was the worst of the lot. KK was entangled with him. He was eventually banned.
Thanks PB. The wheels within wheels are amazing. I can’t see the PL digging too deeply into that, it would be more trouble than it’s worth.
Maybe they will let sleeping dogs lie and it won’t become a big issue for us. We were very peripheral to the real game.

Other clubs had image rights vehicles at the same time - some of which the HMRC had major issues with so I’m sure City’s legal team will be pointing to both United and Newcastle who I think were fined by the HMRC but escaped scrutiny from the PL!
I've never bought this apocalyptic view that Stefan and others have taken. Had we made deliberate attempts to conceal or over-inflate income we had received, or knowingly misstated costs we'd incurred in order to show a false financial position, then there might well be an issue. But we haven't.

We've been accused of over-stating the Etihad & Etisalat sponsorships on the grounds that the former only provided a small part of the rated sponsorship, and the latter was paid by ADUG. But CAS put all that to bed comprehensively and unless the PL has incontrovertible evidence that wasn't available to CAS then there clearly been no fraud. And that's the biggest one financially. Had we only received £10m from Etihad but declared it as £60m, with a £50m debt to make up the difference, with that never being paid to us, then that could well be seen as fraudulent. But we correctly declared all revenue we received from Etihad and CAS established that this wasn't disguised owner investment.

Mancini's Al Jazira contract was fairly minuscule in comparison to other costs, at a time when we were reporting huge losses. So that is hardly an attempt to conduct a major fraud.

The image rights stuff was actually an attempt to boost revenue by selling IP to what was probably not a truly independent third party. It wasn't about keeping costs off the books but getting income on the books to try to avoid FFP penalties. UEFA were aware of this well before 2018, yet no action was taken, other than an agreement to end the scheme. Had it been considered fraudulent, then the PL (the licensor) would almost certainly have been informed and action taken. It's entirely possible that as that licensor, the PL were involved anyway. Yet nothing came of it.

For those reasons I highly doubt that any criminal action would follow even in the unlikey event we were found in breach of all three charges.
Not sure what apocalyptic view you are referring to. I think you actually mean you don't think the club did any of major stuff. That maybe so but IF the sponsorship stuff is proved it is very serious. These were City's own words. 1722205281046.png
The other stuff is obviously less serious.
I may be dim, in fact I am dim and there is no 'may' about it, but this sponsorship valuation argument is doing my nut in. If City want sponsorship and a business is willing to be a sponsor then surely the figures involved are a matter of negotiation between the two parties and is no-one else's business. Surely the valuations in the Etihad sponsorship were set at a level that both sides felt worthwhile. There may be an argument from outsiders to say that Etihad wasn't big enough for the sponsorship involved or that City were too small to carry that sponsorship but given the publicity that we as a club and Etihad now have as a leading luxury airline, then I would say this deal worked out very well for both parties.

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