PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Serious question. Say we get done and relegated or whatever, the verdict is in January. Would we finish out the season? Or no games until following august where we start in championship? Or how does it work?
In the unlikely event that a team is directly relegated (I guess that would actually be regarded simply as an expulsion from the PL as it’s a single league) then their results would be expunged for the season as has happened in some of the lower leagues and the club seek admission to a new league for the following season. If it’s a points deduction then the team would continue to the end of the season however if it’s such a large deduction that it makes avoiding relegation impossible then it would be interesting.

All in theory of course as it’s not going to happen.
this is what is hilarious to me, in terms of the deals that these people do city are small fry, the idea that they would risk their reputation just to help city out for a few million the very idea is ludicrous

The premise of the Etihad funding allegation is just so stupid. They are saying that Mansour is so close to the owners of Etihad that he can tell them to fraudulently account for monies received from him and monies paid to City in a scheme that involves lying to auditors, to corporate governance bodies and, presumably their own directors and shareholders. Why on God's green earth would he do that? If he is so influential, he could just tell Etihad's owners to put an extra 60 million a year funding in to cover it. Why didn't he just do that? There is a huge contradiction in the PL's two positions unless they think Mansour and his advisors are all idiots.

And, even if they truly believe that, then at the end of the day, if it is all at fair value, what does it matter to the true and fair view given by the accounts? The answer imo is nothing, because we aren't funding an unlimited supply of widgets here to inflate revenue. We are talking about a single, unique revenue stream that would be sold at fair value to some other entity if not Etihad. That is the whole definition of fair value. What the PL is saying is absurd. The idea that the accounts would give a true and fair view by taking 60 million a year out of revenue, even if it was funded by Mansour, is ridiculous. Any investor looking at the accounts would add that 60 million right back to income to make their calculations of future earnings. I can't emphasise too strongly how stupid the PL's position is from an accounting viewpoint.

Having said that, it's all in my humble, if strongly held, opinion, of course.
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I try to not let this stuff effect me and I guess it doesn't most of the time.
But the fact that rags got a 75million helping hand from the pl. A PL were they vetted Masters who has now help them avoid ffp failure.
Everton, forest, Leicester failed ffp, Newcastle, villa sailing close to ffp. Yet rags the rules are changed and allowed to be 75million over ffp.

The pl stinks I believe City are 100% innocent and I believe that doesn't matter and City will be found guilty. The pl is so bent.
What puzzles me is why the clubs that are being screwed by the pl aren't getting together.

I know people will tell me it's the King's Council, but our justice system is full of wrong full convictions.

I trust City, CAS proved City had done nothing wrong.
Agree - the problem is all the micro, vested interests and petty jealousies that those outside of the 3 red clubs running the league, can't put aside and see what's really going on. It's absolutely baffling, but the divide and rule strategy employed by the red 3 and the Pl, works v well for them.
I twist and turn on this whole debacle.

Ive mentioned before that i was in the company of someone who is deeply involved , on a city level, with the legal side and he was totally bullish and reassuring that we will win.
But the. I swing to ,’if its all bullshit how have the prem got this so very wrong in going after their best club , a founder member, so aggressively, if they werent sure they had a cast iron case!!

I guess we will soon know
Coz they have already achieved regardless all of the lemmings believing we have cheated whatever the outcome. Desperate shit really but when you see how some of these scumbags run their clubs it's not biggest surprise is it . . .

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