PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

ITS the admitting guilty to

By not corresponding and admitting to being guilty and paying £10million in fines is the PL major charges in the 115 and they can make their own punishment up, This is where they will get us, Guilty is Guilty and the damage is done, Manchester City doesn't have a right to an appeal under the PL rules. So it's virtually anything they want in punishment

We have seen what the PL can do with the £2million pound fine for not kicking off on time
It is my understanding that any punishment will be determined by the KC's that make up the independent panel, not the Premier League. They may state what punishment they think should be meted out under certain circumstances but the arbiters are the independent panel. Whilst not completely comfortable with that scenario I think we have to trust their professional integrity. As I understand it initially we will be able to follow an internal appeals process so the case / punishment will be heard/reviewed by another independent panel. If non co-operation is all they have then I am not too concerned.
ITS the admitting guilty to

By not corresponding and admitting to being guilty and paying £10million in fines is the PL major charges in the 115 and they can make their own punishment up, This is where they will get us, Guilty is Guilty and the damage is done, Manchester City doesn't have a right to an appeal under the PL rules. So it's virtually anything they want in punishment

We have seen what the PL can do with the £2million pound fine for not kicking off on time

You need to have a lie down.
Nows the time for blues to show their minerals.
Masters has been prostituting himself around the media today. He's bound to say the things he said, but even with his hyperbole he didn't come across as convincing.
All as you were, everyone.
Masters is a comedian. He said: "I can't talk about the timetable. It's confidential." So who leaked it to the Times Richard? Surely it wasn't someone on the "independent" panel. There is only one plausible source for that leak and all the other leaks about the investigations into City, Leicester, and Everton. He thinks all football fans are stupid.
still not a peep of Chelsea's case of self admitted "crimes" going heavily against PL rules in Abramovic-era.
cannot see this would be such a quiet case if this would be City, at very least the known media boys asking how long it takes for the punishment.
Masters not commenting on it either.
can see this ending up forgotten, media certainly has no interest in it...
Although I obviously hope the club are right and get cleared of all the charges there is a part of me that hopes we get fucked over by the PL, if we are cleared then I am sure that we will issue a statement and then refuse to comment further. All the while opposition fans will be convinced that we were really guilty and bought our way out of the charges.

If the PL win the case there will be a wall to wall media bombardment aimed at the club and our owners, if this comes to pass I believe we will unleash the mother of all shit shows, as Kaldoon said, they know what happens at other clubs, we will have plenty of dirt to dish out and it would be fantastic to see. Given our stance there is no way that we will just accept the decision and hope it gets forgotten in time. These are some very powerful people they are accusing of very serious offences. To have committed fraud on this scale our owners would be forced out of the club.

Just look at the expansion taking place at the stadium, this is hardly a sign that we expect to lose the case.
Shouty could have said to Masters, what do you think of the investment in infrastructure going on at the Etihad, that doesn't look like the actions of a club about to lose the 115 case.
It would not be talking about the case, so could have pushed him for an answer.
However we all know whose side talkshite are on.
Every Bluemooner should be leaving a shit review for Domino’s. To be fair they were already 2 out of 5 on Trust Pilot. Perhaps silly social media posts are a way of covering up their shit products. I really do hope no blues resort to bricking the windows of the Bamber Bridge shop! :)
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Masters looks under pressure here.

I know he said “we” when deciding the case then quickly said “independent panel” over and over again. Slip of the red tongue or a mistake you decide.

I see nothing to worry about. The only issue I have is that he said clubs look each other in the eye and agree on playing fair or something like that. Well we all know that’s bullshit and have ample evidence to back it up most notably the latest United covid exceptions.

We all want the case done now but it’s up to the discretion of the panel is also bullshit and he knows that. The panel is either clean and independent or not. Was he putting pressure on them to find a resolution?

Either way the only club anyone is taking about is…’what about city’ -:)

BlueMoon you saw me standing alone couldn’t be anymore accurate at this point in the history of our great club.

Come on City.
....and the Scouse dippers hacking our data base.

Thieving bastards .

We definitely slipped up not taking those disingenuous, scheming cartel cunts to the cleaners....a chance missed to expose them forward they were and still are.
The Premier League rules are made up because they let the scum red tops do whatever they want. Once they have had enough of City they can do and say whatever they like,

In the PSR court case, Clearly City won because Masters came out and said it does not work for the scum red tops or other teams in the League, So what happens now is the scum red tops will get away with anything they want and be allowed to spend £Billions and put in into the club debts.

Mark my words here, Once they get rid of City with the 115 charges United will be winning titles again.
After this new rule change and Manchester City is out of the way and in an impossible situation of championship football and a with transfer window embargo its over for at least 5 years.
I think Arsenal,Liverpool,Chelsea,Villa,Newcastle might have something to say regarding your last paragraph.

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