PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I understand where you are coming from but it goes further than this, as you say their stance can be that they believe they had grounds to investigate us, that's fair enough. But they also then charged us, this puts them in a whole different light, if they lose they can't hide behind the IC and claim the procedures worked.
My belief is they didn’t charge but accused us.
Naah. They have made two enormous mistakes. Firstly, not taking account of the CAS findings in the scope of their investigation. Secondly, to decide to shit in February 2023 instead of getting off the can. Those are two decisions they could have made very differently and chose not to. It is entirely their fault if the serious allegations don't stick for largely the same reasons as at CAS. And they is Masters.

Btw, no-one is saying they shouldn't have started their investigation, but what they have done since CAS is just stupid, imho.
Oh, I completely agree that they've been stupid and could have handled the whole thing much better. I was simply pointing out that they've followed their agreed process, and will state this when we win :-)
If we’re not guilty I have heard Walker is arranging a party for all the staff, so both will be on the menu!
I’m not interested un less i know for sure which mouth you need to eat appetizer or main course from?
I think it’s highly like we are guilty of something unfortunately, but I can’t imagine the punishment will be anything close to why other fans want.

However, until it’s done with it has made me a little less enthusiastic about the return of the premier league
it’s highly like you are a unicorn but i can’t imagine the punishment you have go though carrying a horn on your forehead.
Somehow I think we are going to be permanently tarnished no matter what the outcome of the independent commission will be.

If we are found guilty the narrative will be along the lines of:

"Told you they were corrupt, cheating fuckers. Throw the fucking book at them, relegate them or even expel them from all football sine die. Let's all bombard the media saying we were right all along despite not all of the charges have been proven. Dirty filthy Arab bastards have been ruining football and now we'll see the last of them"

If we are found not guilty, the narrative will be along these lines;

"Told you they are corrupt, cheating fuckers. They've paid off the independent commission to cover up their cheating club and owners crimes. Let's bombard the media with our outrage that they have got away with murder despite not one of the charges being proven. Brown envelopes have been handed out and the government have been warned that if City our found guilty then the Arabs will pull out all investments in this country. Dirty filthy Arab bastards have got away with it, football is fucked"

Meanwhile certain other clubs are receiving money from banks that funded terrorist organisations, from countries that have been involved in and still have appalling human rights abuses going on, from a tax cheating sugar daddy. And one that was granted a £45 million Covid exemption to avoid certain punishment from PSR when others were granted only £1 million or less and then were punished despite failing the PSR by considerably less than £45 million. But that is not seen as corruption by the media and it is quickly dropped like a piece of hot shit.

I would love it if we are found not guilty and then proceed to wipe the Premier League and the red cartel like a dirty arse and smear their name with the shit that they've been hiding from us. But somehow we won't do that at all.
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I think we will have to take something. Otherwise the PL will be a genuine laughing stock and they can’t and wont allow that to happen. Same as our UEFA case.
Unfortunately I think you maybe correct.
Failure to cooperate will be their minimum excuse. Expect that to translate into a hefty fine to line their lurid coffers.
I would be very surprised if they can prove anything of the rest we have been charged with. We are innocent until conclusively proved guilty.
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My belief is they didn’t charge but accused us.
Using the word charge is misleading. I notice that Masters himself used it. But to me it implies that there has been some sort of rigorous criminal investigation. This is a situation where an organisation is investigating a breach of its own rules. I assume the PL inquiry will have been a small group of lawyers and accountants who essentially believe City have case to answer. Nothing like the DPP.
The "115 charges" claim, as has been shown on here, is total bollocks. It is just a soundbite for the media. Using language like "charges" and "not guilty" is just fuelling the narrative. I believe it shows the PL has been acting in bad faith from day one when they apparently briefed the media with the "115 charges" quote before they had communicated it to City. Clear and organised as someone once said.

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