PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

We obviously only know what we read. I just think it’s likely we don’t walk away from it with no form of punishment.
Non cooperation.
A big fine. Maybe a 4 point deduction and everyone can still say we withheld evidence because we are cheats and the media can continue with that narrative forever. Mission accomplished.
Non cooperation.
A big fine. Maybe a 4 point deduction and everyone can still say we withheld evidence because we are cheats and the media can continue with that narrative forever. Mission accomplished.
That would be ideal! lol I’ll just be glad when it’s done.

But I’d take your prediction!
Agree with all this as the most likely outcome but what happens in the aftermath? I can't see anyone in the senior PL leadership team surviving. The media can't gloss over the fact they have lost multiple millions (perhaps up to £100m) on this farcical witchunt. The PL clubs have all subsidised this madness. The fall-out will be huge. Presumably some sort of crisis-management plan has been prepared, perhaps involving the new regulator. This will have been a disastrous PR disaster and a laughable defence of "we were right to enforce the rules" will not wash.
Should City win then PL legal costs will fall to members to cover. Who knows who will contribute and by how much? Surely City will not be expected to contribute? What then? Can of worms not thought through.
It's been a while since I've read the CAS report, but my understanding was that UEFA and Der Spiegel had laughably got some of the interpretations about the emails wrong, and where there was ambivalence there was no other evidence outside of the emails and witness statements and banking transfers for the defence. They made the point that even if the emails were talking about doing something bad there would need to be more evidence to show that someone actually did the bad thing.
I don't really remember seeing them say that, at least not in those terms. As I remember it, they used language more like 'even if this were true' which is not them siding with UEFA at all, it's getting them to understand it's not enough just to believe that's what they meant. That's why I said a quote should be a minimum requirement. I'm not going to waste time only to find out it's 100% bullshit rather than 50% bullshit. Because even if they specifically said they agreed with the interpretation der Spiegel went with, it wouldn't be 'a finding of fact'.
Will it?
From the PL perspective they believed they had grounds to investigate us and did so. If/when we are vindicated, they simply say the IC has shown there was no case to answer and that their robust investigation/enforcement measures have been proved to work and that no club is above the rules.
I understand where you are coming from but it goes further than this, as you say their stance can be that they believe they had grounds to investigate us, that's fair enough. But they also then charged us, this puts them in a whole different light, if they lose they can't hide behind the IC and claim the procedures worked.
I understand where you are coming from but it goes further than this, as you say their stance can be that they believe they had grounds to investigate us, that's fair enough. But they also then charged us, this puts them in a whole different light, if they lose they can't hide behind the IC and claim the procedures worked.
Why not? Their procedures are to investigate, charge, then let the IC decide. They've simply followed the process
Non cooperation.
A big fine. Maybe a 4 point deduction and everyone can still say we withheld evidence because we are cheats and the media can continue with that narrative forever. Mission accomplished.
Our our owner has categorically said we have done nothing wrong. We won’t take any punishment whatsoever. None cooperation is not on the table. It’s win win for me. And if they try it on they the pl will wish they never started this farce in the first place. I’m on my 5th bottle of Spanish strong beer which helps.
Why not? Their procedures are to investigate, charge, then let the IC decide. They've simply followed the process

Naah. They have made two enormous mistakes. Firstly, not taking account of the CAS findings in the scope of their investigation. Secondly, to decide to shit in February 2023 instead of getting off the can. Those are two decisions they could have made very differently and chose not to. It is entirely their fault if the serious allegations don't stick for largely the same reasons as at CAS. And they is Masters.

Btw, no-one is saying they shouldn't have started their investigation, but what they have done since CAS is just stupid, imho.

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