PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

PL right now

This is not a criminal trial so there is no legal risk other than defamation. But the main headline on the article states: "UEFA's Chief Investigator says he is convinced Man City have committed fraud." As the publisher the Mail can't hide behind the fact they are quoting someone else. They have published it and to make matters worse they make no attempt to balance the story. The story is as libellous as it gets. There are several other defamatory pharases including one which impunes the integrity of the CAS judges. It is a slam dunk for any competent libel lawyer.

Exactly, the club, CAS and EUFA have to act as it's questioning everyone's integrity and honesty. It's outrageous. We need to nip this in the bud now, we know they're all against us so we've nothing to lose.
Now the dust as slightly settled.

Football as we know it is about to change. Similar to the world we live in.

We are in big trouble & im not sure why & we probably will never know. Politics at play with the league & other clubs.

The fact so many clubs have said they want us out is bizarre when you look at the cash Utd, Newcastle & Chelsea are throwing around.

They want this city project stopped now & will go out with guns blazing to stop it.

The prem league lose this battle then the brand is damaged forever, I actually think if they win & the brand is damaged. Makes it even more strange what they are doing now in middle of a season. Nobody wins from this.

I’m really not sure where this will leave our beloved City but I do see us being charged. 100% fine & heavy point deduction & sadly I do see a relegation thrown in too.

Bizarre times. We might be seeing the last of pep to so I hope his song is loud for the rest of the season.
Cheer up. The most damaging allegation against City is that we presented false accounts for nine years on the trot. That is a hell of an allegation to make and if it's true then some of our Directors could end up in jail because the authorities will take swift action if it is proven. But proving these allegations is going to be a hell of job for anyone, especially an organisation like the PL.
And these most serious allegations are vital for the rest of the case to succeed. The Mancini stuff and image rights stuff is a sideshow. I suspect, that like a lot of legal actions, the only people who will win will be the lawyers.
Now the dust as slightly settled.

Football as we know it is about to change. Similar to the world we live in.

We are in big trouble & im not sure why & we probably will never know. Politics at play with the league & other clubs.

The fact so many clubs have said they want us out is bizarre when you look at the cash utd, Newcastle & Chelsea are throwing around.

They want this City project stopped now & will go out with guns blazing to stop it.

The prem league lose this battle then the brand is damaged forever, I actually think if they win & the brand is damaged. Makes it even more strange what they are doing now in middle of a season. Nobody wins from this.

I’m really not sure where this will leave our beloved City but I do see us being charged. 100% fine & heavy point deduction & sadly I do see a relegation thrown in too.

Bizarre times. We might be seeing the last of pep to so I hope his song is loud for the rest of the season.
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I agree.
I'd like him to make a video addressing the fans, making it clear, using hard hitting language that we intend to fight this and with the evidence we have, intend to win!
Let him put the fear of god up the PL as i want to see them sweat over this.
I have seen lots of posts in here about Khaldoon will get them, City will get them, we’re going to ruin uefa and the Premier League, but I am honestly not sure where these sentiments come from cos only the other month our club put out a joint statement with lfc basically making our fans seem like theirs. So while I fully appreciate we employ a lot of very very clever people, including chairman Khaldoon, I don’t think we are necessarily more powerful than the premier league when it comes to matters of the premier league. It’s a bit like the bouncer who doesn’t like your shoes and won’t let you into the club; however nice and shiny they are if he doesn’t like them you don’t get in. By the way I am not saying the premier league are like nightclub bouncers, as bouncers have significantly more class, dignity and integrity. We all know that the premier league doesn’t want us in

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