PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I didn't mean endgame for the club! I meant endgame for the charges consistently levelled against us which to date haven't really affected us. This feels different and it seems likely they will get us for something this time which will affect match going fans.
Maybe so but you know what, are you bothered? It’s got to that stage where whatever ‘punishment’ they dish out us fans will just laugh back at them and support the club even more fervently than before. That’s how I feel anyway. Fuck the Premier League, UEFA and the Hateful 9.
I have seen lots of posts in here about Khaldoon will get them, City will get them, we’re going to ruin uefa and the Premier League, but I am honestly not sure where these sentiments come from cos only the other month our club put out a joint statement with lfc basically making our fans seem like theirs. So while I fully appreciate we employ a lot of very very clever people, including chairman Khaldoon, I don’t think we are necessarily more powerful than the premier league when it comes to matters of the premier league. It’s a bit like the bouncer who doesn’t like your shoes and won’t let you into the club; however nice and shiny they are if he doesn’t like them you don’t get in. By the way I am not saying the premier league are like nightclub bouncers, as bouncers have significantly more class, dignity and integrity. We all know that the premier league doesn’t want us in
I’m not sure you can take your case with the bouncer to the High court.
We are definitely f*cked.

Just checked my Season Ticket for Sundays game against Villa in my Google Wallet and it's now showing as Silver rather than Gold (and no ticket for Villa either).

Has the money run out........?
And some are saying it will all be done professionally, and impartially. bwhaaaaaaaaa

It is like a Criminal case being Prosecuted by a good friend of the Victim, Judged by a Relative. And 12 of his best mates on the Jury.

I can not believe one, or two, are actually expecting an unbiased conclusion. They need to give their Head a huge fucking wabble.

They have already found us guilty without trial. Their Dogs in the Media are providing the narrative to throw the metaphorical Kitchen Sink at us punishment wise, pontificating afterwards that the excessive punishment was "For the Good of the Game" and not to protect the Top 4 Sarc.

This is going to the High Court.
I agree.
I'd like him to make a video addressing the fans, making it clear, using hard hitting language that we intend to fight this and with the evidence we have, intend to win!
Let him put the fear of god up the PL as i want to see them sweat over this.
I would love Khaldoon to come out fighting. I have wished he had a much higher profile for years. But I really think this is the time to be cautious. It is just too risky to go public. I think City's best strategy is to be very proactive behind closed doors, especially with media outlets who publish damaging and unfair content. We need to be robust and relentless in defending our position privately but a video could backfire.

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