PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Susannah Dinnage took up the role but pretty much resigned before beginning. She was superseded by Masters but apparently didn't give any reasons for pulling out. Shame, I was trying to throw a very large pebble in to a small pond of 115ers.
I wonder if City's representatives have/could seek an interview with her and get her reasons for resigning documented
Susannah Dinnage took up the role but pretty much resigned before beginning. She was superseded by Masters but apparently didn't give any reasons for pulling out. Shame, I was trying to throw a very large pebble in to a small pond of 115ers.
She is reported to have said, off the record, that certain clubs wielded too much influence. Probably correct, given how quickly she resigned.
Should have asked him what the evidence was for him to have those views.
If his information was based on what has been leaked to the media by our rivals over the last decade then it has no value. I am sure people on this forum are better informed than anyone {other than both sets of legal teams). Apart from Martin Samuel everything broadcast or published has been distorted.
Good of muen to print it as fact in their headline rather than the drunken ramblings of a washed up pissed up Scot’s best mate of a shit eating ****

Has it never occurred to the MUEN why no one reads their shitty paper anymore. I can’t think of a local paper that is so anti one of their local teams. They are a disgrace.
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It sounds like he assumed we are guilty without providing a compelling argument, coming up with ‘workarounds’ & ‘spirit of the rules’ to land his punches. Of course we needed ‘workarounds’ the rules were designed after the investment had started.
Work around and not the spirt of the rules just means within the rules but not what people want you to do
At this stage, all we have are beliefs. For rival fans, they believe guilt, so they generally seek out articles that support that. For us, the opposite.
The caveat is that we have already been pronounced innocent on the balance of significant evidence seen by the highest court in sport. Unless the independent panel is corrupt, or has significant new evidence that we are unable to counter, then our opinion is more robust; it is that simple, I think.
I think we have more than just beliefs. Just examining the CAS evidence in detail provides solid information. The same is true of the long Rui Pinto court case and the mountains of irrefutable evidence. The Uk media has mostly ignored this material. Plenty of information on this forum has come from very reliable sources. I agree that our opinion is more robust.
I think we have more than just beliefs. Just examining the CAS evidence in detail provides solid information. The same is true of the long Rui Pinto court case and the mountains of irrefutable evidence. The Uk media has mostly ignored this material. Plenty of information on this forum has come from very reliable sources. I agree that our opinion is more robust.
Wonder if there will be fall out if cleared for the media I mean they will look very stupid
It it never occurred to the MUEN why no one reads their shitty paper anymore. I can’t think of a local paper that is so anti one of their local teams. They are a disgrace.
It’s not a local paper. The journalists write for any of the Reach group anywhere in the country. It’s fine for actual “news” such as car crashes, tram breakdowns etc. but for opinion it’s just trash.

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