PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That is your opinion and I respect it and I want to agree, but.....

The only evidence we have to draw on is that the same 'calibre' of person in a very similar situation judged against CITY at CAS - simply because he was 'towing the line'
The CAS judge didn't and in reality that is the only judgement that mattered. It's the same with the independent panel. They have to be impartial and judge the case on the evidence.
This worries me the UEFA judge voted in favour of his employer regardless of the facts. What's to say the 3 KC won't do the same ?
If the UEFA judge voted irrespective of the evidence that tells you something about them, it tells you nothing whatsoever about the KCs who will make up the panel. They will have track records of 30+years of professionalism and integrity. That’s why they’re on the panel in the first place. If you still think they would compromise their professional integrity for the sake of the redshirt cartel I can’t help you.
But this post and the one above it from @halfcenturyup - only add to the concern of some posters - and perhaps we are right not to take at face value this line that KCs will not be swayed in anyway etc.

If this is the true explanation then some of the more faint-hearted of us have some justification for our concerns

I can't stop worriers worrying I suppose. But maybe this helps. It's the grounds on which the club can raise an arbitration if the panel and subsequent appeal "stitches up" the club.


I would imagine if the club really was subjected to a perverse verdict then there is an arbitration option. But really, it isn't going to happen. Firstly because these KCs don't need the PL, I have no doubt they will consider independently, and secondly because the PL doesn't need the hassle, especially now with the IR looming. The PL wants to show it can be tough where it has to be, it would be suicidal for the people in and around the organisation to have claims of bad faith, perverse interpretations and not applying their minds properly to the facts of the case right now.

To summarise, the case will be properly decided on the evidence imho, and the club will undoubtedly prevail on the most serious charges, again imho.
Its almost as if those who purport themselves as experts in something on social media arent true experts and all about saying what people want to hear while the true experts are too busy making money to be bothered with shilling on social media for cheap likes

You are talking about me, aren't you?
Yes and no.
Whilst we have found Phil, Rico and Oscar, the main and hidden success of the academy is in boosting our transfer sales. Since 2014 sales fro,e the academy top 375m euros

From transfermarket:

If you take Man City’s income from their youth academy and treat it as a separate club, it would rank thirteenth among all clubs in England for transfer income since 2014. A figure which stands just short of what Arsenalhave made from all transfer sales in that period of time and less than €100m short of Brighton's famed ability to sell star players in the window. Which, again, just goes to show how huge and profitable an operation Man City are running in their youth academy.

My take on its is that this is the main reason for the academy and if we can pick up one or two first team players every couple of years then that's a Brucie bonus.
The other real benefit is 100s of kids get prepared for professional football whilst being coached in the right way and receiving a top education. Winner all round.
It's even better than that, BlueCityBrain worked out it's closer to half a billion since 2016, when Pep arrived. It was £442m last season, so it might have even passed the £500m mark.

You're right that transfermarkt have different profiles for the senior team and academy but they also separate U21 and U18. Plus, if they've been promoted to the first team before the sale, it wont show up as an academy sale but it technically is.

Then there are sell on clauses, which transfermarkt don't include but it's still revenue received from the sale of the player.

So it can be a little tricky to work out.
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