PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’ve always said racism is the preserve of the elite classes. These are the same people insisting on bending the knee. It’s a pantomime and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Black v White, left v right, Gay v straight, men v women, Christian v Muslim, generation v generation all highlighted and stoked by the media whilst the truth is most people are decent and just trying to get by. Football is the most watched sport in the world. The Premier League is by far the most watched domestic league. There’s billions of pounds and dollars at stake. This is why we have corruption. It’s as bent as fuck. This is why I love what Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoun have done. They have more professionalism in their toe nail clippings than your average Corporate westerner. It’s no surprise they’ve run rings around The Premier League buffoons.
A great post
I hope so. My point was that I keep being assured that the IC is independent and made up of professional experts whose reputations are on the line, yet it didn't stop them applying what they subjectively believed was the "intention" or "spirit" of the rules rather than the rules themselves. That seems perverse to me and an indication that the IC are inclined to back the PL regardless. As you say, though, the Appeal gives me some grounds for optimism. Note to self: Try to find out who was on the original "Independent Commssion"
You are in (sort of) the same place as me

In recent weeks I have raised concerns several times about the potential for the IC members 'supporting the position of their paymasters' - this because the only real evidence that we have previously had to judge that risk was the fella that voted against us at CAS - against all the (NO) evidence.

Well - I do not take much comfort in this regard from this LCFC appeal. It does mean that the original IC did find for the PL - despite this (rather obvious) major issue.


Absolutely not pulling you up - you are one of the major contributors to this thread and I take a lot of information and confidence from your posts -, but, you replied on my concerns.........

"The confidence you should have is from the legal people on here saying they themselves have confidence in the process, having reviewed all these previous PL verdicts and from their professional knowledge and experience.

I don't know what more can be said to help. The legal guys on here, who know what they are talking about, say they have confidence in the process. That's good enough for me."

We now have an example of an IC finding for the PL despite a 'glaring error' - and Stefan has said today not to take much comfort from this LCFC appeal as there are limited routes for an appeal to be lodged.

I am reserving my right to be concerned -;)
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Hope Leicester chase them up about the ‘surprise and disappointment’ comment!

What a bunch of cunts! It reeks of poor sportsmanship and childishness, and shows you they operate in bad faith to their competitors that aren’t part of the cartel

i can understand them being surprised (sort of) but i'm shocked that they're disappointed.
Surely its a good thing that Leicester haven't breached the rules.
After the successful Leicester City appeal surely the PL won't want embarrassing again?

What’s more embarrassing? Holding your hands up and saying “we don’t know what we’re doing” or going through the process and just accepting the outcome, we tried but…. I bet it’s the later they go for.

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