PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You are in (sort of) the same place as me

In recent weeks I have raised concerns several times about the potential for the IC members 'supporting the position of their paymasters' - this because the only real evidence that we have previously had to judge that risk was the fella that voted against us at CAS - against all the (NO) evidence.

Well - I do not take much comfort in this regard from this LCFC appeal. It does mean that the original IC did find for the PL - despite this (rather obvious) major issue.


Absolutely not pulling you up - you are one of the major contributors to this thread and I take a lot of information and confidence from your posts -, but, you replied on my concerns.........

"The confidence you should have is from the legal people on here saying they themselves have confidence in the process, having reviewed all these previous PL verdicts and from their professional knowledge and experience.

I don't know what more can be said to help. The legal guys on here, who know what they are talking about, say they have confidence in the process. That's good enough for me."

We now have an example of an IC finding for the PL despite a 'glaring error' - and Stefan has said today not to take much comfort from this LCFC appeal as there are limited routes for an appeal to be lodged.

I am reserving my right to be concerned -;)

You are very kind, but I know fuck all about the legal complexities so you would be right to be concerned if that is in your nature. I can only talk about any legal issue because I listen to what our legal people here are saying, and try to firstly understand it and then absorb it.

I will send you a dm with something I have written on independence of the panel. I write this stuff to get my own mind straight more than anything, so maybe it will help you, maybe not. I may put the whole thing on a sub-stack or I may not, but have a read of this section.

But I really wouldn't worry about the panel. In all cases so far they seem to have come to the right conclusion, at the end if not at the beginning. I am sure the club's legal team will keep them on the straight and narrow.

Btw, this is the rule on appeals to an appeals panel:


I don't think SB was saying there were limited avenues to an appeals panel but that it would be more difficult to have a matter of fact overturned than a matter of legal interpretation. I am sure we have lots of expensive lawyers looking at stuff like that.

Anyway, what do I know :)
In all seriousness, i suspect just like the dippers this will be the next concession they get, i did wonder why the talk of stadium redevelopment was being discussed in the media. Well now everyone is aware of the intention i can see them wanting the same

£50m tunnel renovation at the swamp……. Honest Scruffy Jim
Covid exemptions. They were going to announce a £50m allowance for stadium expansion investigations but apparently that one's already been taken.
Does that exemptions apply to all clubs or exclusive for rags?
Mancini Charges
A very interesting thread on @slbsn X feed, basically given the PL rules circa 2009 and the LCFC ruling yesterday the PL's chances of landing the Mancini charges are highly unlikely. However, once again, I'll ask if anyone can explain why are the Mancini charges not time barred. There was absolutely NOTHING criminal about the contracts I.e. to stop them being time barred. Is it possible they have already been resolved and thrown out. I know they could be classed as minor charges but if they were fasely raised against us it needs calling out. It adds weight to our arguments about vexatious litigation by commercial rivals.

Mancini will be time limited. I don't see how you can knowingly conceal something if you weren't doing anything wrong.

All imho of course.

Edit: But you have to go through all your defences to show that you weren't doing anything wrong, so that you couldn't have knowingly concealed it before the issue of time limitation can be settled. Different to CAS where time-barring was settled on everything up front because it was a strict time barring of 5 years in all cases.

I think :)
From my understanding all clubs agreed to covid losses and the losses made by each club due to covid would have had to be evidenced to the PL.

Really ?

Not sure that the PL/rag alliance is as overt as that.

Seems that rags and dippers may possibly enjoy a more favourable relationship than lesser clubs :)
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Mancini will be time limited. I don't see how you can knowingly conceal something if you weren't doing anything wrong.

All imho of course.

Edit: But you have to go through all your defences to show that you weren't doing anything wrong, so that you couldn't have knowingly concealed it before the issue of time limitation can be settled. Different to CAS where time-barring was settled on everything up front because it was a strict time barring of 5 years in all cases.

I think :)

Yes the argument was from what point that "time barring" was taken from. UEFA took one position, City another in the end neither was agreed upon and CAS instituted when it was to be taken from.
I’ve always said racism is the preserve of the elite classes. These are the same people insisting on bending the knee. It’s a pantomime and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Black v White, left v right, Gay v straight, men v women, Christian v Muslim, generation v generation all highlighted and stoked by the media whilst the truth is most people are decent and just trying to get by. Football is the most watched sport in the world. The Premier League is by far the most watched domestic league. There’s billions of pounds and dollars at stake. This is why we have corruption. It’s as bent as fuck. This is why I love what Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoun have done. They have more professionalism in their toe nail clippings than your average Corporate westerner. It’s no surprise they’ve run rings around The Premier League buffoons.

My man.

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