PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I know Stefan ploughs a lonely furrow, but I seriously question the value of going on Redmen TV to dignify a stream of "when did you stop beating your wife" questions.

Taking off my blue tinted specs, who seriously thinks anyone was enlightened beyond a better understanding of the timing and process? And it's not as if Stefan hasn't repeatedly outlined these points of procedure on numerous other channels.

Unless Stefan challenges the loaded nature of the questions, he's providing little more than a veneer of respectability for a bunch of bad faith actors. That might sound harsh but Google Stefan Borson and all you'll find is City Doomed! City Relegated! Etihad Raised to the Ground! Khaldoons Nuts Roasted! Okay I made the last two up but you get my drift.

I know Stefan has his admirers, I'm one of them, but he's got to be more more selective. No one watching this walked away with their prejudices challenged, quite the opposite, they came away with them validated. I know it's not Stefan's job to bat for City and I know he thinks he's bringing light to counter the heat, but the only light Stefan brought to this encounter was to better illuminate the fire.

Don't believe me? Look at the headline on the video and tell me I'm wrong.

Naah. He isn't trying to develop a reputation as a City mouthpiece, he is trying to develop a reputation as an impartial financial expert. He has to be everywhere he can be, and as often as he can be, to do that. Not a criticism, just a fact.

It's not anything I would want to do. Financial experts are rapidly joining journalists somewhere down in the gutter of the world of information sharing but I can understand what he is doing and why.
Naah. He isn't trying to develop a reputation as a City mouthpiece, he is trying to develop a reputation as an impartial financial expert. He has to be everywhere he can be, and as often as he can be, to do that. Not a criticism, just a fact.

It's not anything I would want to do. Financial experts are rapidly joining journalists somewhere down in the gutter of the world of information sharing but I can understand what he is doing and why.
We've had enough of experts.
That’s basically a reformulation of Andy Gray’s line “there’s 115 charges, they must have done something wrong”

lol. The reality is if you had a strong hand…. You’d play a strong hand… you wouldn’t dilute it to 115 charges…. Allowing a defendant to bat away lots of weak charges can weaken your primary case.
I have a few lawyers in my family and it's not that uncommon to take your time building a ecase you perceive to be good. Wether it's actually any good is a separate thing. But just because it took long isn't necessarily telling of anything.
A few lawyers in the family? I guess the smart gene bypassed you then unless you really are talking about a castrated goat.
All depends if it last the 12 weeks. If it’s over let’s say 7or 8 weeks it could be done in January.

True. @slbsn says there will be a couple of days reading first. A couple of days laughing at the charges, a day for deliberation and it could be finished by Friday lunchtime :)

Edit: Just to be clear he only said the first bit. I made the rest up .....
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Meh. I could write it now based on "executives of PL clubs have told me", "an ex-coach of a rival club said", " insiders have indicated", "senior sports lawyers are of the opinion" and the like. You are overestimating how much in the press is informed and how much is purely speculative.
That doesn’t make sense the press won’t change the narrative unless we come out and explain why they won’t make stuff up with exec told me or ex coach said etc for our benefit
The only real good news about this is that seemingly the hearing will be starting shortly and we should know the outcome before the end of the season. My feeling is that it will be no sooner than early March. Hopefully we will largely win but if not I'll put my big boy pants on and deal with it. I've had enough of waiting and whatever the outcome is it can't come soon enough.

Pics of the pants?

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