PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

mmm a user name with lar in the middle saying were getting charged on his first post sniff sniff
I didn't say we're getting charged. I suggest reading better. I don't want City to lose and I don't expect them to lose. I just don't think it's as easy as some make it out to be.
Not at all, I just think that all of this is based on the facts and info we know so far. We do not have any of the new info/evidence the PL will use (if they even have any), so I'm hesitant to build confidence without any knowledge of their new "findings".
Not so hesitant about your first post, though? That was quite strident for your first statement to the board.
Confident of not being found out to be a dipper/rag/whatever? I think they've blown that one.

They have to spend a couple of months in off topic to build up the post count first.
Woah, these conspiracy theories are interesting. I have no interest in any other team, wether any of you believe it or not, is not up to me.
I know Stefan ploughs a lonely furrow, but I seriously question the value of going on Redmen TV to dignify a stream of "when did you stop beating your wife" questions.

Taking off my blue tinted specs, who seriously thinks anyone was enlightened beyond a better understanding of the timing and process? And it's not as if Stefan hasn't repeatedly outlined these points of procedure on numerous other channels.

Unless Stefan challenges the loaded nature of the questions, he's providing little more than a veneer of respectability for a bunch of bad faith actors. That might sound harsh but Google Stefan Borson and all you'll find is City Doomed! City Relegated! Etihad Raised to the Ground! Khaldoons Nuts Roasted! Okay I made the last two up but you get my drift.

I know Stefan has his admirers, I'm one of them, but he's got to be more more selective. No one watching this walked away with their prejudices challenged, quite the opposite, they came away with them validated. I know it's not Stefan's job to bat for City and I know he thinks he's bringing light to counter the heat, but the only light Stefan brought to this encounter was to better illuminate the fire.

Don't believe me? Look at the headline on the video and tell me I'm wrong.
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2 messages in 12 months. Mmm.....

Do you genuinely think If the premier league had us bang to rights then they'd have waited 4 years to destroy us after going to court with City to stop it becoming common knowledge
I have a few lawyers in my family and it's not that uncommon to take your time building a ecase you perceive to be good. Wether it's actually any good is a separate thing. But just because it took long isn't necessarily telling of anything.
The only real good news about this is that seemingly the hearing will be starting shortly and we should know the outcome before the end of the season. My feeling is that it will be no sooner than early March. Hopefully we will largely win but if not I'll put my big boy pants on and deal with it. I've had enough of waiting and whatever the outcome is it can't come soon enough.
Not at all, I just think that all of this is based on the facts and info we know so far. We do not have any of the new info/evidence the PL will use (if they even have any), so I'm hesitant to build confidence without any knowledge of their new "findings".

You’ve made a whopping big assumption that there is any evidence. Upto now all there has been is innuendo.
Not at all, I just think that all of this is based on the facts and info we know so far. We do not have any of the new info/evidence the PL will use (if they even have any), so I'm hesitant to build confidence without any knowledge of their new "findings".
What facts are they ???
I actually am not as optimistic as most people here. I think we'll got done for some but not all charges. And I'm not referring to non-cooperation. I find it incredibly unlikely that they've dragged this on for as long as they have, and without dropping any charges, to not have high confidence some things will stick.
That’s basically a reformulation of Andy Gray’s line “there’s 115 charges, they must have done something wrong”

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