PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I was under the impression that the particular emails in question where we are seen to "admit" what we're being accused of were only released into the public domain after the CAS case, hence why Pearce and others are now being accused explicitly of lying?

IE, original emails which were hacked showed alleged intention, this was subsequently explained at CAS, now the more recent emails are alleged to completely contradict the explanation our representatives provided.

Where you getting this from?
Having read again the CAS judgement I can see why the EPL felt justified in pursuing the matter. The full email chain was not requested or produced by or to the UEFA appeals panel due to time restrictions namely they required a verdict before the next season started whereas the EPL are not under that restriction. It depends therefore, as far as I can tell, on whether or not it is more difficult or impossible for City to refute the allegations when all the emails are produced. However if there is damning evidence against City when ALL the email chain is examined this means, as Stefan has said, that numerous executives/international organisations have effectively conspired to produce fraudulent (in the context of FFP/PSR rules) accounts. Furthermore City’s witnesses would have to have lied and one in particular, Mr. James Hogan, former President and CEO of Etihad would face criminal prosecution - para. 254 of the CAS judgement. Also City’s legal representatives must have either ignored or not requested or seen such evidence. I can envisage no situation in which such eminent lawyers would defend City without full knowledge of all relevant facts and documents and thus risk severe damage to their reputation and call into question their integrity.
I also cannot imagine that all involved in this “conspiracy”, which on my reading could include the Lawyers, did so on the basis that having been cleared by CAS the EPL would drop the case against City meaning the additional emails in the chain might never have to be disclosed.
As for non cooperation City strived might and main to restrict the information they were required to provide including an application to the Commercial Court and subsequent appeal, both of which they lost but if subsequently City did provide the information having effectively been obliged to do so by the Court’s decision then at worst they could be deemed to have employed delaying tactics and may be subject to a penalty under the good faith provisions of the EPL rules but if they are cleared of the substantive allegations any penalty beyond a fine would in my view be draconian and likely overturned on appeal. The above is purely my non ITK reading of the situation, and I am happy to be corrected, but I think cautious optimism is appropriate.
Nevertheless, as Stefan has said, don’t take anything for granted especially in a case such as this with the enormous complexity involved.
I think Pearce testified that he had never arranged for funds to be paid back into the club by ADUG or ADEA or anyone else. Sneaky twats that they are, Der Spiegel, who appeared to have held one email back from th original batch that formed the basis of UEFA’s case, then released that email. It pretty much directly contradicted what Pearce had told CAS, which was, erm, awkward. I seem to recall @Prestwich_Blue at the time deeming it not an issue though……although I stand to be corrected…….so unless the PL have got something else, Magic Twat can, in the words of Dean Edward Rooney, come on over and smooch my big ol’ white butt!
I recall reading those emails but I don't recall reading them and thinking "Oh shit. Pearce lied.". In fact I do recall thinking there was nothing particularly sensational to see, but people like Harris, and that snake Conn, were all over them. I even think they may have been revealed in the CAS hearing.

It seemed to me it was a final grasping at straws, and was all very reminiscent of that famous scene in Downfall, where Hitler summons up Steiner's mythical army group.
Extract from an article in the Law Society Gazette which I hope (I’m an FOC) should be accessible via the link above for anyone interested.
“The sports silk... has voiced concern that the league criticised its own decision-making panel of eminent lawyers after losing the case."
Perhaps more importantly, he also said this:
'sports regulators should be careful criticising panels when they don't get the result they want. Such criticism risks undermining the independence and integrity of the Premier League's own judicial process.'

I'm sure that Lord Pannick will be reminding our panel of this!
Like I’ve said, I could email you now saying Ive just bummed Michelle Keegan in her city kit. I could go into deep detail about it.

But if I didn’t bum her, and there’s evidence I didn’t, ie she says it never happened she’s never even met me before, the emails don’t mean anything.

It’s the actual action carried out (or not) that matters not an email.
So did you bum her or not?

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