PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

In other words...

"Equally, if City are cleared following a legal battle that is already thought to have cost both sides tens of millions of pounds, the viability of rules intended to curtail City's sustainability and competitiveness will be in grave doubt."
Frankly they bullied their rules into place and dared any retaliation.
Now the onus is on them to prove their legal fairness. Sheikh M can afford such a battle. Can the Pll?
Let's just remind ourselves of one of the key charges, which (to pick one year, 2012/13) involves Rule E3. This rule says:

"Each club shall by 1st March in each season submit to the Secretary a copy of its annual accounts.......(such accounts to be prepared and audited in accordance with applicable legal & regulatory requirements) together with a copy of the Directors' Report for that year and a copy of the auditors' report on those accounts."

I've missed a bit in the middle out but that's the rule - to submit audited accounts for the prior year by March 1st of the following year. So unless we didn't do that (which is highly, highly unlikely) then the IC simply can't find us to have breached that rule. There's nothing in E3 about accuracy, or anything else, and as we saw from the Leicester appeal, the PL can't rely on a defence of "Well what we really meant was...."

If we submitted properly prepared accounts, then we aren't in breach of Rule E3.

There's also the rule about acting in utmost good faith. If we took good legal and financial advice to ensure we acted properly, then how could we not have acted in utmost good faith? I reckon at least half the charges will have gone out of the window by the end of the month.

Love it when you go all 50 shades.
So here we go. 10 weeks to establish that it is highly unlikely that CFO's, FD’s, Auditors such as Deloitte, KMPG, Investors and members of the UAE Royal family colluded over 10 years to commit industrial criminal fraud based on a small number of selective out of context emails. A panel of 3 is really going to make that call, that on the balance of probabilities we are guilty. I just do not see it happening. The PL made a massive mistake going after City with so many charges hoping some will stick. Some such as Mancini’s contract, which was signed a year before the PL even introduced their FFP model will be disputed, as how can you break rules that are not in place as was the case with player image rights such as Yaya Toure. So much of this will fail on technical arguments, interpretations, and timings, with the most likely outcome being a fine for being obstructive and not fully cooperating, as was the case with UEFA because they kept leaking the details of the case. Important that on the substantive charges in the PL case, CAS found there was ‘no evidence’ that City had inflated sponsorships to essentially cook the books. The time bar element only means the same charges were not taken into consideration due to UEFA’s own statute of limitations. It did not mean City would have been found guilty of the charges. Sadly, regardless of the outcome and such is the tribal feral nature of football we will be guilty either way. Me, I’ve loved every minute if it. Had we bribed referees, fixed matches then that is another matter. But bending and working around financial rules that kept being implemented by the red top cartel to prevent clubs like City competing is fair game and the fact that it upsets them so much makes it even sweeter. CTID
paragraphs help :)

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