At the risk of some misunderstanding this point...
Again, the motivation behind these charges, again, feels quite clearly and strongy seeded in the populist sentiment that exists within those we all know live and do all they think they "can do" with articles, social media posts, videos, etc. almost desperate for years seeking a way to attain revenge.
Through this they have greater hope to finally see a proper public walk of "Shame!", "hanging, drawing and quartering and tarring and feathering to hand out the required punishment for crimes this rascal has gotten away with for a decade.
It reminds me of another famous situation where someone got away with away with "unforgivable crimes" that hung over the head of many in public in the USA in the 1990s that rings somewhat true in the justification for the charges as massive as we have received.
When O.J. simpson finally went to prison for a different more minor and pretty foolish crime, and I believe with the civil lawsuit, he received punishment that in NO WAY was proportionate with the charges.
The Academy Award winning ESPN documentary 'O.J. Simpson: Made In America' raised this point clearly, with views on him linking strongly to populist views on politics, race and society.
I think I can see something if you apply this to our current situation with the PL case.
A chance at double jeopardy, and retry a case, that usually cannot happen.