PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I agree

I cant get my head round the fact that the Prem have done all this, with zero evidence, just because the cartel clubs told them to.
They must at least ‘think’ they have evidence
UEFA had fuck all and were near enough laughed at by CAS.

Idiots do as idiots do.

I suspect we'll get moaned at for not being fully cooperative & be told off for not acting in the spirit of the rules with a few player payments at worst.
We will never know but it looked rushed with all the mistakes in the initial charges which coincided with the Government referring to the need for intervention if the PL were incapable of looking after itself.

Don't disagree. But that's their own making and choice, not pressure from other clubs.

I don't doubt that the expected clubs will have had an agenda and wanted a charge never mind hundreds of them.

But the idea that the PL are doing this purely as a reaction to such pressure, without at least thinking the have something, advised by high profile lawyers, sorry, can't buy into that.

That's not to say I think they do have something or that I am worried. They could well be wrong. But doubt it is the posturing excersise to please some clubs doomed to fail that a few seem to think it is, there is a lot more at stake here for them than a oh well you tried boys, from a few clubs.
And so it begins

A club that has invested millions into the local community, built the worlds best Academy, has the world best owner who has kept his promises. The best run club on the planet, no real debt. Funding the extension to the Etihad. Reinvest every penny back into the club and football.

We are on 'trial' lol

Yet just down the road in Trafford there's a club with a run down statium which wants our taxes to pay for a new statium. The owners take millions out of the club and football. A club with near 3 quarter of billion in debt. A club that broke UEFA ffp. Broke the pl ffp rules but need a deal with the pl.

It seems in the world of football the Trafford club is a shining example of how a football club should be run.
A season would be enough to make pep leave , along with thor and kev or so they think

That would only be the start. A permanent stain rubber stamped on the club in the history books, lawsuits in excess of £200m, commercial partners withdrawing support, future players not wanting to damage their own brands, an owner who would not pass the stricter fit and proper persons test.

To be clear, this is a fight between life or footballing purgatory.

Which is why they can't win and we won't lose.

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