PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The telegraph are now saying we will be excluded from the domestic cups as well if found guilty. They're losing the plot
It's the media lynch mob in full blood lust mode, and the punishments they will think up will get more and more bizarre as the week go by, City fans and staff having to take part in public reeducation camps? Pep put in stocks outside the town hall, KDB dragged naked around the streets of Liverpool ? It's going to get worse folks because this is the last chance of derailing the club it will never come again, and those behind it are using their client media to feed red meat to the masses
I'd say it was related to the more serious charge, as they'd presumably want to offer a 'discount' for early settlement. I'd also say that the PL, having handed this to their own Independent Commission, were unlikely to be doing something like this (assuming they did) unilaterally, without reference to Murray Rosen.
agreed, the six point deduction would most likely be 12+pts if dished out at a hearing
I've had it on good authority that this happened (and I know who it came from). More recently I've been told (but I couldn't verify, so treat it with caution) that we were specifically offered a 6-point deduction and a large fine to settle pre-hearing. I don't know if the deduction would have applied last season or this. Obviously our answer to that offer was no. This echoes what happened with UEFA, who offered us a fine to settle, an offer we again rejected.

You can look at this as the PL believing their case wouldn't stand up at a hearing, or that it would and they felt a slightly more severe penalty would be in order (although they have no idea what the IC might do).

Clearly the media weren't told, or if they were, chose not to publicise it for whatever reason.
It feels very much like both hadn't listened to Khaldoon when we took the 'pinch' and believed we'd settle again to make it go away
Many on here put this argument forward in the run up to CAS. But I don't think you were ever one of them kaz. What's changed?
I never believed in the case against us by uefa, the prem however has spent a long time and come up with a lot of charges , most of them ridiculous, but in the hope something will stick . We also have the red shirt clubs and a few others applying pressure to them to find something , anything to say there you are they are cheats , they also want a huge points deduction and maybe drop us into the championship

I am not worried as such , i believe in the club, in khaldoon and soriano , if they find something to pin on us i will still be a blue , like many of us foc's i will still be amazed at journey we have had
Excuse my ignorance PB, but a large fine and a 6 point deduction on the face of it, to me, suggests the PL wished us to concede on one or some of the far less serious charges?

If they felt they had us for conspiracy/cheating over a course of a decade, but wished to settle out of the hearing, a 6 point and huge fine sounds ridiculously low.

I hope your information is right, as that (again, on the face of it to a lay person) seems to bode well for us on the serious stuff in the hearing.

Is that a reasonable take?
Why offer a settlement on a "less serious charge" and then continue to charge City on the more serious ones?

What would be the point of settling in that instance? They more than likely offered the "low" settlement as a way of the PL saving face and ending the whole farce they'd forced upon themselves, thinking City were soft targets and would happily accept just to get it over with.

But our owners have integrity and this is their reputation being slandered, so no surprise we said no to any "offer" they proposed. That makes more sense to me.
Clearly the media weren't told, or if they were, chose not to publicise it for whatever reason.
Because any offer to settle will have been without prejudice, which still applies in this setting as an operation of of law, as it does in other tribunals. As such it’s not for public disclosure at this stage, and possibly not at any point, although there are certain potential gateways that open up as the litigation progresses.
Completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but.. when I see lawyers using a trolley to wheel massive boxes of legal papers into the courtroom I always wonder why they don’t save themselves the bother and use digital versions.

Presumably would also be much easier to use within proceedings as well if you can just open a file instead of sifting through thousands of docs.

Maybe it’s a bit grandstanding on the courtroom precinct.

That’s the invoice.
It's the media lynch mob in full blood lust mode, and the punishments they will think up will get more and more bizarre as the week go by, City fans and staff having to take part in public reeducation camps? Pep put in stocks outside the town hall, KDB dragged naked around the streets of Liverpool ? It's going to get worse folks because this is the last chance of derailing the club it will never come again, and those behind it are using their client media to feed red meat to the masses
Premier league will impose our new club colours and kit designIMG_3095.jpeg

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