PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I did jury service about 15 years ago now, It was actually a murder case I was on, and despite more than half of my fellow jury members believing there was a good chance the suspect was guilty we just did not have enough clear evidence to find them guilty,

Also in between breaks of being called back into the courtroom ( of which there was a lot as the judge loved to call for a break every 2 hours lol) I got speaking to people on jury service on another case and some of them had lost there jobs as they had been on this particular fraud case for over over 6 months,

Apparently fraud cases are the worse ones for coming to a conclusion as there is usually so many people involved, money trails, different accounts, different countries, various forms of communication, that in the end quite a few of the cases end up collapsing or the people involved being given a not guilty verdict

I always remember the judge and his closing speech to us jury members before we left for the deliberation room, he said ( you must be 100% in your decision, if there is any shed of doubt then you must return a not guilty verdict)

I wonder if this independent panel will work to the same remit, if not 100% in us being guilty then they have to drop all the charges against us,

I actually think that if we get cleared on the main 3 charges then the rest will collapse,
Same as about 20 years ago I was on jury service on an assault & affray charge
The person said they acted in self defence
The prosecution couldn't convince us it wasn't self defence so we came to not guilty
We were pretty sure the person should have been found guilty of something but the prosecution couldn't prove there case
Again judge said if you have any doubt it must be not guilty
In terms of PSR and inflated or incorrectly recorded sponsorships -
There's an argument that the sponsorship was £60m pa and sheikh mansour or a closely related party paid all but 8m of it.
Let's presume that's found to be true.
Would that mean the accounts would be down marked by £52m so we would fail PSR for those years?
Surely if we sponsored by Amazon or Tesco instead, they would have paid us a lot mroe than £8m so how is it judged how much we failed by?
What I don't get
Say a third party gave Etihad the money for sponsorship
How is that City's problem ? Or is that to simple
What I don't get
Say a third party gave Etihad the money for sponsorship
How is that City's problem ? Or is that to simple
think they need to prove that 3rd party is the sheik for this to stick (as i understand it). without the sponsor opening the books ive no idea how they make the case without a whistleblower etc
Same as about 20 years ago I was on jury service on an assault & affray charge
The person said they acted in self defence
The prosecution couldn't convince us it wasn't self defence so we came to not guilty
We were pretty sure the person should have been found guilty of something but the prosecution couldn't prove there case
Again judge said if you have any doubt it must be not guilty
What I don't get
Say a third party gave Etihad the money for sponsorship
How is that City's problem ? Or is that to simple

That's a good question. I am not even sure I see how the accounts don't give a true and fair view if ADUG funds it, as long as it's at fair value. Questions for another day :)
If that offer is true, don't you think it smacks of desperation and weakness by the PL given its so early in the process. And if City turned it down don't you think they firmly believe they have a very very strong case.

There is no significant evidence we were offered a settlement. It’s come from one poster saying he’d heard we had.

I’m not aware of any corroborating evidence.
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