PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It’s never boring being a City fan is it? Just when you think you can relax or it’s getting a bit dull, they come up with the most over the top storylines you can possibly imagine. Not even joking, if this was a drama people would be complaining right now that the storylines were becoming too outrageous and unrealistic.

From relegations to league one, rivals winning the treble, last minute play off goals, back to back promotions, Thai ex prime ministers on the run and having their accounts frozen after taking over the club, to becoming ‘the richest club in the world’, to dethroning the rivals who mocked us so much, beating them 6-1 on their own pitch, coming back from 8 points behind with 5 games left, to scoring a 93:20 winning goal to beat the rivals to the title, to crazy court cases with UEFA and now the PL, with even the UK government potentially even becoming involved.

If you’ve seen City from the 80’s or 90’s and are old enough to remember all these times then I don’t believe there’s a football fan of any other club that has been close to what we’ve been through.

Maybe we wouldn’t have it any other way.
God's own
Cant wait for the emirates next Weds. Going to be proper nawty. That horrible dreaded feeling when this BS spewed out on Monday morning has now morphed into a tranquil belief that our time has come to show up these corrupt spiteful twats for what they really are. Living in the smog any gooner/ spuds fans mates I might have are now on the enemy list too (kind of:)
Yeah, I expect there to be some that are at least arguable - I seem to remember that some of City's moves early in FFP hadn't been tried before in English football (e.g. the image rights sale).

As you say, it changes if there's a clear breach somewhere.

The long list suggested to me that some of this was an attempt to get a clear assessment on whether some things were in fact breaches of the regs, or just an acceptable way around them or not covered. The PL can't decide that themselves as they aren't qualified, so they get some experts to investigate and produce an answer.

The other interesting thing in all this is the Premier league will be apply the 17-18 rule book to all the charges. Won’t there have been amendments to rules which will have been different to when the alleged charges historically happened, therefore the club would have had different interpretations as to what the rules were?
Can't remember for sure what Rangers did but the draconian punishment handed to one of the biggest clubs in the world makes me very afraid. If they did the same to us it would mean starting in the fourth level and a helll of a long road back losing a generation of young fans along the way. Why rags are getting giddy about this I don't know as they seem to finally have a team and manager who can compete with us fair and square. As for the dippers take us out of the equation and they are still miles behind Arsenal and nited. Why Villa want to get involved I can't think they are the biggest under achievers in football and our absence will not alter that. The only conlation is the Bears came back and so can we but it could take ten years. Hoping or the best , but fearing the worse. F**k em all.
After having a look through the Premier league handbook in which all the charges we have been handed. There's a lot of trivial stuff. The 2 K charges (k.12 and K.20) in the Premier league handbook they are down as not having a drug test area close to the players and officiating staff, and pitch dimensions, grass length and pitch pattern. Another is our scouts not acting in accordance with code of conduct.

But what gets me. If these are the charges from the handbook. Then it's the way its reported. Its down as 115 financial rule breaks. Now if the Premier league handbook is the Bible in which the rules we have broken. I've already found 3 charges that aren't financial.

The only charges that are financial are section D and E in the handbook.

If people want I can post the official wording of each charge. Unless they're secret laws that noone can find anywhere because its a major witch hunt, to prove to the government that they can clean shop themselves without any independent jurisdiction overlooking their corrupt acts.

It's been said that the sections have changed over time - what is now k12 may not have been the same k12 ten years ago.
so we cant take a premier league ruling to court? but is there anything stopping us taking the premier league to court? say for defemation etc?
After having a look through the Premier league handbook in which all the charges we have been handed. There's a lot of trivial stuff. The 2 K charges (k.12 and K.20) in the Premier league handbook they are down as not having a drug test area close to the players and officiating staff, and pitch dimensions, grass length and pitch pattern. Another is our scouts not acting in accordance with code of conduct.

But what gets me. If these are the charges from the handbook. Then it's the way its reported. Its down as 115 financial rule breaks. Now if the Premier league handbook is the Bible in which the rules we have broken. I've already found 3 charges that aren't financial.

The only charges that are financial are section D and E in the handbook.

If people want I can post the official wording of each charge. Unless they're secret laws that noone can find anywhere because its a major witch hunt, to prove to the government that they can clean shop themselves without any independent jurisdiction overlooking their corrupt acts.
The rule book changes every year, so you need to cross reference the rule book from the specific year the charges relate to. Obviously we haven't actually been charged with things like grass length.

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