PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Is there a premiership rules of Probability of guilt?! If so they can look at the charges and ask them selves do you think in probability that Man City have done any of these charges? Now with 10 years of negative narrative calling us cheats while these lawyers judges who are going to Judge us mingled with these American owners in boardrooms across the premier with there loyalty to their football club! Do you really not think of course they’ve done wrong!?
The other interesting thing in all this is the Premier league will be apply the 17-18 rule book to all the charges. Won’t there have been amendments to rules which will have been different to when the alleged charges historically happened, therefore the club would have had different interpretations as to what the rules were?

Quite possibly, but the technicalities of changes over the years are going to be a clear thing to be assessed - I suspect some of it will be "we considered this to be within the regs because...." type stuff.

I trust Rosen and his panel to do that thoroughly and fairly - it'll be terribly boring!
Can't remember for sure what Rangers did but the draconian punishment handed to one of the biggest clubs in the world makes me very afraid. If they did the same to us it would mean starting in the fourth level and a helll of a long road back losing a generation of young fans along the way. Why rags are getting giddy about this I don't know as they seem to finally have a team and manager who can compete with us fair and square. As for the dippers take us out of the equation and they are still miles behind Arsenal and nited. Why Villa want to get involved I can't think they are the biggest under achievers in football and our absence will not alter that. The only conlation is the Bears came back and so can we but it could take ten years. Hoping or the best , but fearing the worse. F**k em all.
I don't think the Rangers comparison fits here tbh. Rangers PLC were liquidated and the league refused to accept the new company as the continuation of the club, so they applied for membership of the SFL and were accepted at the lowest level.

I highly doubt we'll face anything like what Rangers had to claw back from.
Can't remember for sure what Rangers did but the draconian punishment handed to one of the biggest clubs in the world makes me very afraid. If they did the same to us it would mean starting in the fourth level and a helll of a long road back losing a generation of young fans along the way. Why rags are getting giddy about this I don't know as they seem to finally have a team and manager who can compete with us fair and square. As for the dippers take us out of the equation and they are still miles behind Arsenal and nited. Why Villa want to get involved I can't think they are the biggest under achievers in football and our absence will not alter that. The only conlation is the Bears came back and so can we but it could take ten years. Hoping or the best , but fearing the worse. F**k em all.
Rangers actually went bankrupt and didn't exist they werent relegated. A new club was formed which took on most of Rangers assets and basically reformed as Rangers but had to apply for admission to the league. They weren't punished they were dissolved.
As soon as this was announced, the ESL Super League became inevitable. I think a lot of the posts on here give the PL way too much credit. They were a hastily assembled mish mash of dinner guests ready to be served the Golden Goose of TV rights.
In comparison to UEFA they are far less capable, more disorganised and extremely incompetent. The real power is with the media companies who not only control the PL but also the massively skewed narrative we are seeing in the press.
The PL make up the rules as they go along and a lot of the charges (which are little more than mud slinging) invoke rules that hadn't been written at the times the offenses are alleged to have taken place.
When Vinny said he 'rolled his eyes' at the news, it is because he knows the whole industry is corrupt and trying to find a scapegoat.
I know a bit about Football Governance from first hand experience and it is rotten to the core. The ESL will be a sad by product of this whole stinking mess.
I agree that the ESL came a lot closer with the charges against us. You could argue this is an attempt by the cartel to force us out or weaken our bargaining position prior to a breakaway league. What is the PL anyway, except a cartel of powerful businesses? They can make their ruling on us then run off into the sunset to form another league, leaving us with little recourse except to appeal against an effectively defunct organisation. I suspect the timing of this is deliberate and not just re the government’s white paper.

On the point of corruption, it’s endemic in our country’s culture now. The poster above who referenced lobbying in parliament which is not regarded as corruption is a good example. Of course, these practices filter down to to big business. Media organisations who employ former players of clubs as pundits to skew the narrative. Pgmol appointing referees who are very much company men and know what’s expected of them. The var debacle, which adds another layer of interference. And on it goes.

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