PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They might, they might not. The point I’m really making is that I keep reading the PL will ‘appeal’ if they don’t win. Now that really would be ridiculous. A panel they’ve appointed, listens to the evidence and finds against them and they then appeal? That then really starts to properly look like the witch hunt many people think it is.
This for me is a little twist when these “ Independent Commissions” are appointed there is precedent where the outcome is appealed by the body that set up the commission. Indeed it’s on going at the moment following the issue with the ex Crawley manager.

The FA/PL will maintain the commission is independent because other than the chairman they don’t make any of the appointments and I think that Man City could object to the appointment
The club were right to stop co-operating on ongoing matters when charged in 2018. As the charges go up to 2023, what the PL were essentially doing is trying to place us under unprecedented supervisory and special measures. They were asking us to submit paperwork as and when it was being produced. They had absolutely no right to do that because they had no evidence to believe that we were committing offences at the time the charges were brought. As such, I think any charges relating to late 2018-2023 should be easy to dismiss. If the smoking gun is supposedly the Der Spiegel hack, then anything subsequent to that is surely inadmissible. I believe therefore that there is a mud-slinging element to this.
There is a huge dose of mud slinging involved, no doubt. That will derive from the PL probably being pushed, and using these charges in the hope that some of the mud sticks. The other alternative is that the PL believe, supported by their lawyers, that they have substantive and credible evidence in which to initiate proceedings. I feel this latter point, IF true, is the one playing on a few City supporters minds a tad.
Share the same view bud. As a SC holder you're actively contributing to a football club financially & commercially rather than just claiming to be a fan of a club.

Whilst I'm sure Rosen is a professional surely his appointment on a panel adds an element of doubt which any defence would be keen to exploit & question. And any prosecution would most likely seek to enter a case with any element of doubt removed to better their case.

I understand our society is littered full of football allegiances, but this isn't a case of Rosen being appointed on a panel where for example Chesterfield or Burton Albion are under scrutiny & being charged.

A historic connection to this subject chase has already been established with Arsenal leading the way initially in writing a letter to Scudmore regarding FPP so anyone in a position of power really shouldn't be associated due to a potential area of conflict.
You have to remember that this isn't a legal case so they can appoint whoever they want. There is no requirement to even be impartial because at this point it's the legal equivalent of a disciplinary panel for getting a red card.

The real challenge for the Premier League comes afterwards in a real court but they'll be keen to avoid that. My view is they'll find us guilty and probably rightly so (because we have to adhere to their rules) but any punishment will be agreed with city to save face.

Whether city will accept the potential reputational damage of being found guilty at all is another thing.
There’s been much said on this subject on here, a good few posts in different stages of disbelieve and acclimatisation, many rants by many, myself included.

The Premier League’s motive (and the wider football world it seems), their motive is to hunt us down in total isolation - to keep their monopoly.
I’m not paranoid, the glee and excitement at the thought of us being relegated and losing our trophies - its hard to escape...they’re burning the witch before the trial.

We’re the kid who had the audacity to rock up, guilty of joining in to play street football, tore up their cosy game.

We are GUILTY of that......nothing else.

And now, sulking bitter and jealous, the ‘cartel' is taking their ball and goalposts and doing what bullies do, bullying us, ostracizing us - plain and simple.

Whatever rules this cosy coterie around the table on the Premier League board of ManU, Arsenal, Liverpool do , they make fucking sure that we don’t fit in, can’t fit in...whatever their rules...THEIR RULES ARE 100% BENT.
it is but taking a £600m turnover company and arguing about the accounting of a £1.8 million payment is ridiculous if you ask me. It's next to nothing in percentage terms
This is why the use of true and fair by the PL is a mistake imho. For something to affect a true and fair view of the accounts, it must be in the tens of millions, otherwise it's not significant enough. I can't think of anything in that range apart from the Etihad sponsorship. They can't be taking that on, surely? I still think when they talk about true and fair, they are talking about supplementary information, like for example Mancini's AJ salary, rather than the annual accounts themselves. Would be poor terminology, though.
I suspect the PL, just like UEFA, assume guilt and in all likelihood know we have bent rules. However, knowing (or suspecting) and proving it are very different, you only need to read the comments from the UEFA guy who tried to get us. He’s clearly bitter and frustrated because although he just knew deep inside we were taking the piss, he just couldn’t prove it with the half arsed hacks he had!
The PL are beating the same drum with the same info, they may well know we have trod in to grey areas but proving a rule break is almost impossible for them. City’s owners are not stupid, they are not amateurs and they are well aware of the loopholes and grey areas of FFP (we employed the two gents who wrote the rules!) so it’s fair to assume we have done the same with any PL rules and guidelines in relation to our business.
I fully expect some silly ruling where we are banned from XYZ, fIned huge sums and suffer a points deduction. I then expect City to blow it all apart through the legal system and have it all overturned. It won’t be quick, it won’t be without short term pain and it won’t be pretty… But, I do fully expect us to be vindicated and see the PL have to make a public apology at some point.
On the side, I think we can look forward to some future scandals being “leaked” to the media regarding the PL or ”big clubs”, maybe we’ll see individuals having a bright light on them to the point they have to retire from positions or step down in disgrace. Hey, who knows, we may see leaked hacked emails from other clubs or individuals too. One things for sure, any “revenge” or “payback” will be from the shadows, in the light City will be as professional as is humanly possible but those shadows follow closely behind the light don’t forget.
Some good points but can I just point out that there's a world of difference between bending some football rules and committing fraud which is what that wanker Leterne is claiming
The damage was done before this week, this doesn’t change anything. Personally I could care of other fans or teams think we cheated, fuck them. If we get off then they can say and think what they want, the process will say otherwise and City could in theory then start liable cases if they wanted (I don’t ever think they will, it’s not worth the drama).
bang on mate,who gives a shit what other fans think, but worldwide i think we have a lot of respect from fans of other clubs,i recently was was in Dominican and a Boca fan from Argentina wanted my city top to give to his dad, Man City is the topic abroad they love what we have recently achieved, football is as corrupt in other countries as it is here, my guess we have more support taking the PL on and winning than those wanting us stuffed and stitched up
It's also had a dim view taken of it before by UEFA and CAS.

We shouldn't go down the route of alleged press briefings and any KC being crooked or biased.

It will get us nowhere fast and just come across as muddying the waters.

It's just a bit childish.

Plus, whoever you complain to is also going to support a football team, so you're essentially insulting them by proxy and saying they couldn't be impartial in a matter tangentially involving their club.

I doubt Lord Pannick is a seacon ticket holder. The 3 CAS judges would all have supported someone.

Sometimes I think some posters would refuse surgery if they found out their doctor was a United fan (or Liverpool, or Arsenal, or Chelsea or any of the hateful 8 or Barcelona, or Bayern etc).
we need either Soriano or Khaldoon to do a video interview in they are so confident we are innocent and start dropping in hints of dirt we will release if we indeed do have any? It would be then interesting to see if the media narrative changed from the joy we currently see?

Mate, please stop. They're not going to be doing any video interviews to make you feel better about it.

They've released their statement and that will be that for the time being.

This could take 4 years.

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