PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The PL is basically the hateful 8. So they would like this to drag on

It isn't.
Pretty certain Newcastle aren't much interested.
Burnley aren't in the PL.
Leicester may not care much any more.
That leaves the others of the nominal 'top six'.

My take on that letter to CAS was not to get City banned, but to get a decision within the season, and not have it drag on.
The reason for most of them was that they had a one-off chance of qualifying for Europe - if it was delayed, then City occupied a slot; if any ban was instigated immediately, it freed a slot in the CL to one of them, and a EL slot for one of them.
Leicester, Newcastle, Burnley were all vying for those places (Leicester for the CL, I think), but I didn't think it was "get City", it was "get it decided this season".
I think pretty much only 1-2 were clearly going to qualify for the CL anyway, and even then there may have been benefits to money distribution for them.
Regarding the evidence, we really don't know the strength of what they have. Groups intent on a witch hunt don't need "strong evidence" to carry on with their vendetta. Look up the origins of the term "witch hunt" if need be.
The case is actually going to be based upon a lack of evidence. For example, as part of their rules they'll ask for details of a transaction with Etihad but they'll of received nothing and the trail ends so that would be a charge. Repeat this over numerous transactions and dealings and we get to 100+ charges, it was no different with UEFA.

The question then comes to not whether city were wrong but rather where the accusations sit in terms of fairness and whether the rules themselves are fit for purpose. Both of these will end up in a court as city have done nothing wrong that is actually illegal but it's being framed that way.

On reputation grounds the Premier League will want to avoid this kind of legal action at all costs because they'll probably lose. They've already lost in their ability to hold a fair case as they've communicated everything in public first which is a no-no in a legal case. I can honestly see us being found guilty but they'll be very generous in terms of punishment and we'll see if city settle it there. UEFA didn't do this and took it further and we won at appeal in CAS.

The proof is in the pudding. They could of relegated every single club which signed up for the European Super League but instead they were all given pathetic fines. The reason why the punishments were so pathetic is because UEFA/PL don't want tinpot teams winning their competitions as who is going to pay to sponsor a Champions League final between two nobodies?

The only real example of punishments being dealt out harshly and rightly so was the Italian Calciopoli scandal years ago but that was due to actual illegal corruption which ended in prison sentences for many football executives.
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looks to me like the PL eventually are going to trip up on their own shoelaces the Lawyer city have appointed would have already looked at the charges, he's not going to take a case on when were about to be stuffed when he holds a possition so high up the ladder, 'not good for his reputation or business', the PL have slung as much as they can at us as if its been gathered up by a school leaver in the office trying to make a name for himself
The loan arrangement is probably more defensible. I have no idea what actually happened. However, those in the know at CFG feel confident they can defend this successfully. Let's hope they are right.
Not sure it's such a big deal if they can't actually. No FFP, just an administrative breach.
Whether we clear our name or not, the damage is done and its exactly what was wanted by the other shithouse clubs behind this. Luckily, I and I'm pretty sure the majority of other blues couldn't give a flying fuck what other people think.

Ironically, rags, dips, etc are in a win win situation...we 'lose' they get what they want which is stuck mud, ickle Citeh are cheats etc etc. We 'win', they'll also get what they want which is a Super League. If City destroy the PL in court (this is what I personally believe will happen), its a hop skip and a jump to away days in Milan. PL has been played like a fiddle here.

*rolls eyes*
The damage was done before this week, this doesn’t change anything. Personally I could care of other fans or teams think we cheated, fuck them. If we get off then they can say and think what they want, the process will say otherwise and City could in theory then start liable cases if they wanted (I don’t ever think they will, it’s not worth the drama).
Regarding the evidence, we really don't know the strength of what they have. Groups intent on a witch hunt don't need "strong evidence" to carry on with their vendetta. Look up the origins of the term "witch hunt" if need be.
As long as they don't throw us into Spurs' stadium to see if we don't drown ....
100% this would NOT qualify as serious irregularity

It's also had a dim view taken of it before by UEFA and CAS.

We shouldn't go down the route of alleged press briefings and any KC being crooked or biased.

It will get us nowhere fast and just come across as muddying the waters.

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