PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What the Prem wants to do is screw us over on behalf of their cartel friends. And in the knowledge that the cartel has something to hide, the Prem will grant them an amnesty while trying to make an example of us. They won't succeed.
Woke up this morning and felt a need to write something as a life long Manchester City fan. So much negativity around the club that I love and have watched since 1968.

It has been said in the media world that the truth should never get in the way of a good story. Over the course of my life, 60 years this far, I have seen this to be self evident in many many situations, both sporting and non.

Their job is to sell newspapers, get clicks and stir the pot. It has always been so. It may feel different in this scenario because they are going after our beloved Manchester City but we have been here before and won. .

We know what it feels like to be fucked.To feel like it has all gone tits up.

Halifax in the Cup.
Luton and David Pleat.
Ricky Villa.
Years and years of spankings by the different red shirts. Knowing we were shit and still showing up. We were there, somewhere, having our own experience of being City.

We know what it feels like.

Unlike all of our antagonists, who have dined for a long time at the top table. Who gorged themselves on a cycle of unfettered success. Unchallenged because of the hegemony they created.
They became complacent and stuffed full of themselves and their self important shite. Corrupt and bloated to the core.

They do not know how it feels to lose.

So when we kicked the door down, because it was the only way in, and brought a level of competition they could not live with,they did not have the spine for the fight. None of them. They tried to meet us on the pitch and failed. They tried through UEFA to knock us out and they failed again. So now they resort to the only weapon they have left. Old money. Old power. Friends in high places. The real corruption. Hidden in plain sight.

But they have picked a fight with a club who know how to scrap.We know the pain of losing big and we know how to come back from that.

Dropping 2 divisions.
Dark days and grim gallows humour.That place somewhere in the old ridings where 300,000 of us watched on in the shadows
Then Gillingham. A moment when the future looked so bleak that people walked away from Wembley , muttering "fucking typical City," only to be drawn back by a miracle.
Imagine that we had lost. I did. And I knew we would still be here come the next season.
QPR. Dead and buried. To make matters worse the old enemy winning it all. Again. Not in my lifetime. You think? Another miracle. A big fuck off metaphorical wink from Mario.


Only this.

Just the beginning.

This club, players, management and of course us, the supporters, do not ever lie down.This too I have witnessed. Time and time again. We are City.
It is not even about the winning for me. When you have lost so many times you understand the balance of all things more deeply. You know you can always lose and it makes the joy of winning something our red friends will never ever get to experience.

The day Sergio scored was the loudest noise I ever heard in a football ground and I knew why. That banner. That sanctimonious, rub it in our faces spineless bunch of toss perpetrated by the prawn sandwich brigade. The old money. They never saw it coming. Noisy neighbours indeed.

I understood completely and more than ever before what it meant to be a Manchester City fan.
We can lose this current fight and we will still be here. That's what makes us a fucker to fight with. We don't know when we are beaten.

We're Man City.

We'll fight to the end.
Very proudly added a great big LIKE to this post. Hats off Blue Tooth.
City have presented the judge, jury & executioner with reams of records going back over the period of the witch-hunt.

The club should now demand copies of all correspondence twixt the PL and all and any club that contains the words Manchester City or MCFC over the same period.

Additionally, all minutes,transcripts and footage from all meetings internal or external containing reference to the club should be released.

Finally, the dates,locations and attendees of any meeting(formal,social,private) twixt PL and and any other PL club(s) or football officials, must be revealed.

The photos of the hideous red shirt 'rivals' meeting in NY make me feel sick and should be circulated far,wide and frequently to establish a narrative agin these odious bastards !!
You need to extend that to all recorded conversations between the two most senior people at the EFL. The organisation that has apparently (via anonymous sources) been briefing the media saying they won't accept City if they are relegated. For the absence of doubt that's Rick Parry (Chairman) and Trevor Birch (CEO). Both former LFC employees and life-long fans of LFC.
The problem with all this of course is that the conversations that really matter don't appear on emails. They take place in Cheshire hotel bars and New York restaurants.
The Prem, even after four years of preparation, have made some cack-handed errors already. Our lawyers are onto it and they've barely got started. I reckon that the Prem's ineptitude has already got their cartel friends worried that the case for the prosecution is falling apart. Our lawyers will be looking for a way to get this into court and I'm convinced they will.
Why do we need this to go to court?

If we have done nothing wrong it should be a fairly quick and easy case to conclude in our favor.
Surely not correct, otherwise all rules would just be handed down with no say for the participants. You join and agree to the rules but you are entitled to try to get those rules changed. Suing to show they are illegal may not be the best way to do that, but think back: the old retain and transfer rules were clearly unfair to players. They were challenged in court by George Eastham and he won. The next big move was, the Belgian Bosman who sued and effectively opened up freedom of contract.
I was always of the impression you can have whatever you like in a contract, doesn,t mean its lawful and ultimately has to be enforced through the courts.

Assuming weve signed up to a contract with premier league then appears unfair terms and conditions can be challenged between businesses. (That said i,m no lawyer so may well be talking bollocks :-) )

Article below explains possiblities.

Here's my naive little blue tinted view of things.....

A few questions. Unless the answer is No to the majority, it is a witch hunt and we should have nothing to answer to:

- Have City added to the success and marketability of the Premier League? I.E. have we helped create value for the League, their Directors, employees, other clubs, etc.?
- Has City's presence been a force for good in the Community?
- Have City generally set an example of how to run a Football Club in a 1st class way?
- Have City been solely or largely responsible for creating an environment in the League where success is impossible without money?
- Has City's way of running the club unfairly affected club staff, young players, coaches or other employees?
- Have City been unethical in their business practices, employment contracts, external Contractor dealings, or in any other way to consistently draw justified criticism?

I could go on and on.

Compared with other big clubs, I don't think any club has contributed more to the excitement of the Premier League, improvements in the Community and forcing other Clubs to look at and improve themselves more than City have.

If we are criminals, where are the victims?

and improvenim
Despite your questions and a yes or no to each one , this panel will look at the rules in operation when it comes to governance over the relevant period and determine whether the Club have breached those rules and suggest a punishment if they have.

No matter how small or large the panel their is always some subjectivity on the punishment side of things if breaches have occurred and the knowledge as to the degree of breach and intent.

As many have said the breaches cover around 6 issues and if we are found guilty of all 6 subject to appeal if deemed appropriate I suspect a decent fine and a loss of points for the start of the relevant season but no more then that.

I cannot see any sanctions on player movement and transfer occurring or being kicked out of Europe should we have qualified at the appropriate timeline.
Not really that bothered, I think we will be OK whoever is in charge, I just don't think it's a smart move by the PL, or by him to accept for that matter.

Oh by the way, Murray Rosen KC is simply picking the 3 man panel. He's not even necessarily going to be on it.

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