You fundamentally misunderstand the way the disclosure process will have worked. The PL will have been entitled to (and received) documents from City and, in some circumstances (say where that party consented or was giving a witness statement) from a third party. To the extent the PL became aware of documents from the hacks (they weren't leaks) the PL would have put City on the spot to produce those documents in original form and cast doubt on City's disclosure process where such documents had not been previously shared.So what do you mean is nonsense?
1. We don’t know what we are accused of or if there is new evidence regarding the 54 charges of Misrepresentation of Financial Information.
2. The major threat to City lies in whether the Premier League has new evidence that they have either uncovered themselves or obtained from FootyLeaks/Pinto/EIC.
3. Pinto claims that there is more material and that data has been shared with authorities.
But all of this is now irrelevant - the hearing has happened, thousands of documents would have been disclosed and used in that hearing. It is highly unlikely that Pinto has kept the really juicy stuff back or that the EIC didn't have all the data to search anyway. But it is irrelevant anyway because nobody will be listening to any party trying to bring further documents into play post the decision.