Well-Known Member
They work for a low-life organisation. They're proven cheats.It’s a slight aside, but to me, that makes the actions of those two individuals far more reprehensible. I think using someone’s login details is such a violation of that individual and exposes them to consequences in way that using another means to nefariously access the database does not.
I expect that individual felt very betrayed and understandably affronted by such a personal breach of trust.
To deploy a workplace analogy, stealing from your employer is one thing, but stealing from your fellow employees when they are at work is another, at least in my eyes.
Absolute fucking lowlife cunts.
One interesting story is that Henry owns the Boston Globe. The managing director is his wife, who has no journalistic experience. Her undergraduate degree is in business and she has a masters in real estate. I wonder who the second choice was for that role?
The Globe conducted a somewhat McCarthyite campaign against people alleged to be sex pests, but that didn't extend to one of the Globe's senior employees, who was accused of sexual harassment and resigned. They refused to name their own journalist.