PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I thought @twosips (who blocked me on Twitter for **ck all ) spoke really well on the overlap to be honest. Just a shame he didn’t mention the £50m stadium costs Liverpool used to get through FFP.

Cheers...and what was it over? You've gotta bear in mind I get an awful lot of shit all of the time and sometimes I'm just not in the mood! Sorry if it was genuinely nowt! On tired days my bar can be pretty low
Gary Neville of all people stating the red shirts are jealous of likkle City & driving the PL’s agenda, he does throw in a few cheap shots, and believes the rags would be top dog if it was down to sustainability (that bit’s delusional) but it seems he’s stayed true to his opinion of the game needing an independent regulator. I wasn’t aware that we where supporters of it till Monday, so I guess he finds himself in a strange position, the fact he has come out in support of an inde-rep so strongly is forcing him to adopt a positive approach to City (on this front anyway) I’m sure he is well aware of our stance on governance & it makes you think if an unlikely alliance is forming ? Yeah I know gniac !
Whatever Neville’s motives are make no mistake it will be to benefit Gary Neville. The twat is the very definition of a champagne socialist. Sneaky horrible man
The auditors would have seen the same hacked emails as the PL and UEFA, the difference is that they wouldn't have asked us about them (or started an investigation).
I don’t follow. You might be right but auditors are our friends. The PL are not. We are more likely to look kindly on requests for information from our auditors. The PL surely cannot go off on one and request information way outside its jurisdiction from sponsors etc. The auditors might not normally ask about emails etc but if there are doubts about where money came from or what’s related party they would if it’s in the public domain it surely affect the accounts. If they didn’t ask it’s for good reason like the fact that the law accounting practice is so clear that Etihad etc are not related in which case the PL don’t have a case and can do one
Does feel that way and in this world where we are bombarded with social media, news etc, thats just magnified hugely. The only good thing that can come out of this now is we are cleared, but even then City as fans, no one cares, we will continue to face the same attitudes, hostility and shite from other people and the media.
It's just another turn on "You'd just be small without the money" and "Let's see Pep manage a League One club" and "20 times" and everything else on the City Spinorama Wheel. No matter what the success is, there's always an excuse that helps fans of other clubs feel better. If we win, we bought it, or we cheated. If we lose, well, how the hell could you have lost with all that money spent? So we can't ever win, and they can't ever lose. This dynamic has been ongoing for 15 years. It's in-part noticeable to me because sport over here tends not to be so tribal save between certain rival cities in certain sports. Must be even worse for locals there who have to experience it in-person every day.
Whatever Neville’s motives are make no mistake it will be to benefit Gary Neville. The twat is the very definition of a champagne socialist. Sneaky horrible man
Absolutely! But right now I’ll take it, he talks and the lemmings listen, we don’t have that many in the media shining a light on the background politics in play
One thing is abundantly clear, the burden of proof is so high for the Premier League, I fail to see how the panel reaches it.

They would need to physically have former players waiting outside in the corridor to give evidence against us.

And if they had that, we would have known it in the four years we have dragged it out and it would never have gone this far.

It's a final Hail Mary, yet still predicated on non-compliance and when we are comfortable showing the supporting documents.

BDO will stand with us, as will all our sponsors and investors.

And that's before we discuss in essence, the temerity to put Khaldoon in the dock and him supposedly complicit in mass financial fraud.

The damage to his reputation alone and the boards he sits on would necessitate him to personally seek legal recourse.

It's a can of worms.
Will we hear anything from auditors sponsors investors etc. so we can sleep more easily whilst the club keeps its council ?
The more I think of it.. the more I think relegation would be off the cards (and stripping titles)

City has Pep and Haaland, two of the biggest stars and attractions in world football, playing in the Premier League. City has rivalries with United and Liverpool, big for TV deals views.
TV companies paying for the Premier League product wont be happy losing City, Haaland et al.

City owners have pumped millions into the UK economy, the UK Government wont take kindly to them being fucked over.

Stripping titles leaves open the chance for lawsuits from clubs who were relegated or missed out on money from previous wins/champions league.

£100 M Fine, 15 points deduction and 2 Transfer window bans (after Summer). I think most would accept that?
Gary Neville of all people stating the red shirts are jealous of likkle City & driving the PL’s agenda, he does throw in a few cheap shots, and believes the rags would be top dog if it was down to sustainability (that bit’s delusional) but it seems he’s stayed true to his opinion of the game needing an independent regulator. I wasn’t aware that we where supporters of it till Monday, so I guess he finds himself in a strange position, the fact he has come out in support of an inde-rep so strongly is forcing him to adopt a positive approach to City (on this front anyway) I’m sure he is well aware of our stance on governance & it makes you think if an unlikely alliance is forming ? Yeah I know gniac !
Speaking of rags and their sustainability, it would be interesting to see how they are balancing their books.

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