PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That's a slightly biased view of Ranger's previous woes.
You were placed into administration and then liquidated because the tax avoidance scheme was illegal and you owed HMRC a heck of a lot of money, it was effectively HMRC who forced RFC into liquidation as they rejected (as did the vast majority of creditors) the CVA proposed by the club. As regards your claims about Celtic (who I have little time for either),that is not wholly correct either as it was the SPL league clubs who refused by 10-1 votes to allow you back into the SPL, not just Celtic.
You are certainly right about City though.
It was Celtic who came up with the idea under the guise of ‘ sporting integrity ‘. Other clubs, thinking they might be in with a better chance of winning trophies gleefully jumped into bed with them.

The EBT tax scheme was not illegal at the time it was used by the club and was declared with all the relevant authorities, including the SFA. however years later, HMRC decided they wanted tax paid back on that scheme and so pursued the club retrospectively.
Another thing ! The endless anti City propaganda is akin to the Nazi’s in the run up to the holocaust, we even had our very own krystallnacht when the scousers smashed up our bus. It’s also quite interesting that City were many years ago ie when my dad was a kid, thought of as a club with large Jewish support.
There has been a propaganda war going on since we were bought, and IMO this is one of the few areas that our board/owner have largely been very poor in defending City and us the fans.

Hopefully they now realise their passive policy has been totally ineffective in stemming the constant flow of shit and untruths that have been allowed to not only be constantly repeated but are now believed by a large proportion to be true, no matter how bizarre the lie alongside the constant cheating accusations and again IMO large amount of racism.

Anyhow, we still have a large Jewish fan base and comparing our current predicament with what happened with the Nazis and the Holocaust and Kristallnacht with the smashing of our coach are comparisons that really have no bearing on one to the other and are inappropriate to use.
So if the club did not give the premier league what they gave CAS, you have to wonder why not? We seem to be playing a dangerous game. On one hand, we did not want to give over documents to be leaked and for our competition to get an insight into our business. Which is understandable and on the other hand by not giving the premier league what they want we knew it would lead to another independent review. The breakdown in our relationship with the premiership is staggering. So we must know how this is going to play out just like CAS. We have the proof but witheld it until the private review takes place.

What is City’s play in all this? Forget the cheating angle for a second. Seems we are playing a long game here, almost an ambush if you will to change what exactly?

Either we have balls of steel or we already know what the outcome of this Independent review will be. Very devious if it works and based on CAS why should it not. The trap is set.

We have always stated we wanted the facts of the case looked at independently as we don't trust the Premier League, or the clubs behind the scenes pulling the strings. We don't want to hand over information to a body that will leak it to our competitors, facts are that's exactly what will happen it's been proven over the journey.

I have to much faith in our clubs hierarchy, based on their business reputations to know they aren't playing a game here or a risky one. They're very cold and calculated business people who deal with a lot more powerful bodies then the Premier League daily. I think we know exactly what we're doing and what's at stake.
Considering the almost universal praise Martin Samuel gets on here, you'd think people would be able to spell his name correctly.
We have always stated we wanted the facts of the case looked at independently as we don't trust the Premier League, or the clubs behind the scenes pulling the strings. We don't want to hand over information to a body that will leak it to our competitors, facts are that's exactly what will happen it's been proven over the journey.

I have to much faith in our clubs hierarchy, based on their business reputations to know they aren't playing a game here or a risky one. They're very cold and calculated business people who deal with a lot more powerful bodies then the Premier League daily. I think we know exactly what we're doing and what's at stake.
Yea I get all that but don’t be fooled into thinking we are not up to something here that will benefit the club down the road. As you said, cold and calculated business men who didn’t even break a sweat when the premier ambushed us. You can’t even find the story on the OS. They don’t give a shit and I want to know why lol.

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