PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The new regulator could start by banning people with no money buying clubs using leveraged debt. The Glazers have run United as a pure personal cash cow for years but have hardly paid any of the debt back. That is not organic growth no matter how much their fans bleat about it.
Yes indeed. There's a lot NEEDS doing but the regulator will have to have integrity and a concern for football which goes way beyond a concern for football finance. What worries me is that we have a government which sees everything as a public finance problem which has to be solved by "balancing the books". This is the equivalent of UEFA's beloved break even rule and so I find them a bit too much "American" for my liking.
I feel sorry for those fans who still have to go into a workplace or school! Every day could yet feel like the day after a derby defeat for months to come. In short, it's very depressing.

That said however, I think we will eventually produce documentation to discount any claims of wrong doing less those rather subjective charges of failure to help the Premier League's investigation. In fact, I'm convinced the Premier League only put those there so once we can prove our innocence, they can justify their actions and avoid complete ridicule by saying that if they had everything City supplied prior to the hearing, it could have been avoided!

In fact neither the Premier League nor City benefit by any of this and I am certain the Premier League's actions are being forced by certain clubs, who may well have forced the Premier League's hand by threatening to support independent regulation unless they charged us.

The whole scenario is awkward for the Premier League and a bloody nightmare for City, because in essence, the innuendo and besmirching that our club's name now finds itself under is far worse than any fine, points deduction or relegation. All those are inconsequential to having every media outlet openly undermine every effort this club has made for 15 years!

Frankly, regardless of any beating of the charges, the shit has stuck and I am not sure how we can ever hope to reestablish our good name even if completely exonerated.

Of course, if in some way we have all been too optimistic and we are proved to be conclusively guilty as charged, then I believe the only solution would be to somehow have the club dissolved and reformed under new fan led ownership, and reclimb the football pyramid from the bottom. Rangers did it and frankly most Rangers fans I know are glad that the club reformed as it gave the a complete reboot.

Strangely, what I don't want is some middle ground outcome of being guilty and trying to carry on as normal after a points deduction, relegation or huge fine. That will leave our club in complete limbo and a laughing stock for all eternity.
This kind of thing is exactly what the likes of Arsenal, Scum and Dippers want. Start a Newco City consigned to mediocrity for the rest of time. There is no way a fan led club can compete with billionaire owners, this isn't Rangers where there are only 2 clubs really in the country.

We would never see City win anything again, mission accomplished for the old guard. I think they fine us or deduct points on their trumped up charges but if that leaves us in the prem then who cares.

I'm confident in the club to fight this all the way to the bitter end, let's have it.
They will try to make an example out of CITY always do.
They won't fine CITY as it's easy money to pay.

Hope they beat the case but lets see, all these sharks UNITED, ARSENAL, LIVERPOOL all circling trying to get CITY done.
That's the favoured option by any governing body in football. If they expel us they won't get a brass farthing. Points deduction(?) but a whopping fine that keeps the PL living in the lap of luxury!
I don’t think they’ll strip our titles. How can they. It will kick off a massive shitstorm.

However we may have to accept an asterisk * next to the title wins if we get found guilty. I could probably live with that as we’d still officially be champions.

They might have an ex-city player/staff providing evidence. I don’t know how likely that is but it’s crossed my mind. Would help them no end in proving that we made image rights payments off the books, or that people received part of their pay in alternative ways, off of City’s books. But I don’t know how it works - if someone was able to show they received payments in such a fashion, are they able to say that and not face any consequences themselves? I’m rambling, just thoughts that I’ve had.
Afaik, we have never denied paying separately for image rights. What I think happened is that we sold those rights to a company which then paid the players image fees. It was common practice at the time. The Inland Revenue ruled that those arrangements were tax avoidance as image fees were part of remuneration and we repatriated the rights pdq.
Yes indeed. There's a lot NEEDS doing but the regulator will have to have integrity and a concern for football which goes way beyond a concern for football finance. What worries me is that we have a government which sees everything as a public finance problem which has to be solved by "balancing the books". This is the equivalent of UEFA's beloved break even rule and so I find them a bit too much "American" for my liking.
Wait till next season when all teams will wear helmets and shoulder pads

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