PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You denied that a vote ever took place to expel Rangers from the Scottish premier league.
The reason I mentioned the Rangers situation was because another poster brought it up as he/she was worried something similar In punishment might happen to City. I was only explaining that City are in a far better position to defend themselves, but of course, in your blind hatred of Rangers, you stampede into the thread foaming at the mouth shouting all sorts of drivel.
On 13 May, it was reported that Whyte had sold his controlling interest in The Rangers Football Club Plc for £2 to a consortium led by Charles Green.[118] Green offered the creditors a settlement, in the form of a company voluntary arrangement (CVA), in an attempt to exit administration.[118] On 12 June, it emerged that HMRC would reject the CVA put forward by Green. Green's takeover of the club depended on the CVA being accepted by HMRC, which would have seen £8.5m of the total debt repaid. The formal rejection of the CVA, two days later, meant that The Rangers Football Club plc entered the liquidation process. The company's business and assets were sold to a company called Sevco Scotland Ltd, a consortium led by Green, in a deal worth £5.5m.[119] Sevco was subsequently renamed The Rangers Football Club Ltd at the end of July 2012.[120]

Ten of the other eleven SPL clubs voted against allowing Rangers to transfer their SPL membership share to a new company on 4 July, leaving the club applying for a place in the Scottish Football League.[121][122] On 13 July, 29 out of 30 SFL member clubs voted to give Rangers associate membership, but 25 of them also voted to place the club into the Third Division of the Scottish Football League from the start of the season.[123]

The above (lifted from Wikipedia, admittedly) seems to contradict what you say. Rangers oldco entered liquidation, the assets sold to newco which subsequently changed its name to Rangers. This is an entirely different legal entity despite the same name (although plc =/= ltd) and to that end had to apply for membership of the SFL. Call them Rangers 1 and Rangers 2 if you like, if it makes it clearer. They're not the same entity and so had to start from scratch.

Nobody voted Rangers out, and nobody relegated them. 3 votes were taken, one which went against newco Rangers' bid to enter the SPL where oldco once were, and a 2nd to allow newco to join the SFL, and a 3rd for newco to enter the SFL in the third division.

Ultimately fundamentally different situations and an irrelevant comparison.
If the club was punished, fans should sue the league for not protecting them since day 1.

The league allowed Abu Dhabi to purchase the club, and then they changed the rule of the game with their financial unfair play rule

If there was any suspicious dealing, that should have been resolved after releasing their 1st financial statements.

Checks and investigations should be addressed and resolved in summer before the beginning of new season

The Premier league lack of action at the right time has cost fans money & time.
What do you mean by "Abu Dhabi" bought the club? We are owned by Sheikh Mansour with Silverlake holding 23 per cent.
Noticed Cheesey has dropped a video on this 20 minutes ago. Thing is, I feel like I've watched hours worth of these discussions already. Still loads we don't know and I'm already getting bored of thinking about it. I'll probably still end up watching it later.
Thank you mate. I don't think some people realise how hard it is! Ha. They're all people who are paid to talk for a living so naturally very good at sticking the knife in. Plus I know millions watch it so the pressure is on big time. Tried my best though to get across a lot of things lots of us have wanted to say for a while!
Just wanna jump in and agree that you were great on that…fair play, you honestly speak for me too…well done, keep it up mate…!!!
There seems to a great deal of worry that we may not be allowed to appeal to the High Court. If we win we certainly will not be interested in appealing to anyone: if, however, we are found guilty of fraud I suspect we would be investigated by the fraud squad and if they considered there was a case to answer we'd be in the High Court if we liked it or not. If we were acquitted the PL would be in the mess, not us. Maybe we don't need to concern ourselves with appeals procedure!
Just been forwarded a video of them wankers at the swamp singing ‘City’s going down with a billion in the bank’

They are going to be so so so disappointed and the tears will be beautiful.
Thought they’d be protesting about the potential Qatari takeover seeing that they’ve been such fervent advocates of Human Rights for the last fifteen years.

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