PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I love your thinking regarding the burden of proof and also the voracity of the proof beyond a reasonable doubt. However those who know can correct me if I’m wrong, but this is not a criminal court where the burden of proof for the prosecution is very high. Indeed the greater the charges, the greater the definition of reasonable doubt.
This is a boys club inquest, is it not. Probability percentages of doubt in a civil court are as low as the tipping of a scales, 51% to 49%.

Do we know in all honesty what to expect from what could be a kangaroo court? With no recourse to arbitration other than another kangaroo court.

However if we manage to get this into the high court, it becomes a different matter. But that must be a lifetime away while we are persistently branded as cheats by all and sundry.

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong. I really hope I am.
You are wrong! We will argue that these charges are so serious alleging illegal behaviour such as issuing false accounts, that the panel cannot find the charges proved merely on the balance of probabilities.
I think that argument would prevail.
Ironically we would probably get a fair hearing in a criminal court and it would happen in public unlike a private three-person panel appointed by the people who investigated us!

What this hearing could lay on City could end up in a criminal investigation if they reach the ludicrous high bar of what they are trying to prove. Hypothetically if the inland revenue rattled down the door and found criminal evidence of wrong doing, we would be off to the high court then.
Couple of questions in a bad case scenario:
If this witch-hunt is by the Premier League and they find us guilty, what can they do? A fine obviously, and possibly a points deduction, but could they do anything else?
They can make it a 100 point deduction to ensure relegation, but that puts us in the Championship and no lower. If they kick us out the PL can the EFL refuse to have us? Some have mentioned Rangers, but there wasn't direct promotion and relegation between the Scottish League and non-league at the time IIRC, so there would be no way back if they weren't allowed into the Scottish League.
Could the FA get involved? They are supposed to have overall control of football in England and could interfere on either side if they think the PL charges are bringing the game into disrepute.
As I said a couple of hundred pages back: If we're guilty then so be it, but if we're innocent we've got to make the PL and their buddy clubs look a total and absolute bunch of whingey, hypocritical twats.
what a ride eh?

Little City who were supposed to stay Crap fucked up the whole football pyramid by getting our shit together with the backing of Mansour & Khaldoon. Won countless trophies and annoyed the red cunts all at the same time.

Now the “authorities” who should be impartial and staying out of this have been showed up to be corrupt and run by a few clubs.

Bring it down City.

What a club. So so proud, more than you can believe.
If city could sue the premier league for loss of turnover, prize money, reputation, sponsorship etc would be a huge sum, a useful threat for city to have at its disposal as it could cripple them.Sure our legal team will be on to the options but as others have said the PL have highly likely not thought this through fully and options to city will surely present themselves.
This feels like it has some kind of kangaroo court all over it.

Similar vibes to the UEFA adjudicatory chamber who found us guilty prior to CAS.

Except this time we don't appear to have anywhere to turn, if the courts ultimately aren't an option.

So we have to hope for a fairer panel than what UEFA brought, but ultimately it doesn't seem to matter how right we may be and how 'fair' we might have acted, if the panel are heavily influenced and have their minds made up prior to a hearing then where do we turn?

A complete sham.
Seems so but I'm wondering if affected individuals like directors, the auditors, maybe sponsors could sue them personally in court for hefty sums of money and really cripple them that way. They might be able to say member clubs accept their rules but can't do it for the world at large.
One thing is abundantly clear, the burden of proof is so high for the Premier League, I fail to see how the panel reaches it.

They would need to physically have former players waiting outside in the corridor to give evidence against us.

And if they had that, we would have known it in the four years we have dragged it out and it would never have gone this far.

It's a final Hail Mary, yet still predicated on non-compliance and when we are comfortable showing the supporting documents.

BDO will stand with us, as will all our sponsors and investors.

And that's before we discuss in essence, the temerity to put Khaldoon in the dock and him supposedly complicit in mass financial fraud.

The damage to his reputation alone and the boards he sits on would necessitate him to personally seek legal recourse.

It's a can of worms.
The more I think about this, the more I think the commission is a way out for the PL.
My feeling is the commission will largely exonerate us, but the PL can say they did what they were supposed to do.
They might try for a couple of technical breaches and go looking for a token fine from us but tbh I can't see the club swallowing another one of them.

The PL have got too deep into this and there's no way out of it, I'm sure if it wasn't for the puppet masters at Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal the thing would have gone by the by a few weeks after the CAS drubbing.

I can't see how the PL wins this on any level, even if the commission is bent (which it might well be), the reputational and corporate damage to City, HHSM and Khaldoon would be so great that they would have to respond via the courts, probably individually as well as the business. These are people with huge wealth and influence that simply cannot accept being branded as dishonest.

It would be a bloodbath, and there's only one way that stuff is going.

The PL need the commission to stamp on this and get rid of it.

All this and we haven't even mentioned anti competitive behaviour and cartels. Fuck me this could keep the legal profession going for decades.

The final thing is the UK government... the country is on its arse and needs external investment. Are they really going to let the PL sour relations with the UAE? It beggars belief.

This is world class idiocy at the top of the PL.
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What this hearing could lay on City could end up in a criminal investigation if they reach the ludicrous high bar of what they are trying to prove. Hypothetically if the inland revenue rattled down the door and found criminal evidence of wrong doing, we would be off to the high court then.
Why havent they already, if it was any other company they’d be there now shirley, or maybe they know there’s nothing happening?

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