PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If the leaked emails are true, then we were involved in later negotiations and were also approving and processing m the transactions to him rather than Al Jazira.

I’m assuming that’s where the charges against not declaring related parties comes from too.
Thanks. Big IF though.
One thing is abundantly clear, the burden of proof is so high for the Premier League, I fail to see how the panel reaches it.

They would need to physically have former players waiting outside in the corridor to give evidence against us.

And if they had that, we would have known it in the four years we have dragged it out and it would never have gone this far.

It's a final Hail Mary, yet still predicated on non-compliance and when we are comfortable showing the supporting documents.

BDO will stand with us, as will all our sponsors and investors.

And that's before we discuss in essence, the temerity to put Khaldoon in the dock and him supposedly complicit in mass financial fraud.

The damage to his reputation alone and the boards he sits on would necessitate him to personally seek legal recourse.

It's a can of worms.
Or a snake who left and gave Liverpool our log in details amongst others
Some of the ones ive seen just show people with even less of an idea than us on here, complete waste of time
Outside of PR and PB there’s not much else of interest, unless it’s a law professional, even then they hedge their bets. There was one I watched for a couple of minutes at the height of CAS, one of the blokes kept saying can’t we just tell them to fuck off…
it is no coincidence that the premier league charged City the same day as the government were going to announce legislation to appoint an independent scrutineer to ensure that football clubs behave properly. So to divert attention from themselves the knee jerk response is to suggest that all the problems are the fault of City. And the only “evidence” they have is the email hacker that sold his rubbish to a German newspaper. All this just after Chelsea have spent 600 million in six months. The owners of the other big clubs are trying to steal the moral highground but it won’t work. We have appointed top lawyers and if necessary we can fight this for years. Let’s adopt a siege mentality and fight this by playing top class football every week.
I think Pannick has a foot injury. Not available this week.
There seems to a great deal of worry that we may not be allowed to appeal to the High Court. If we win we certainly will not be interested in appealing to anyone: if, however, we are found guilty of fraud I suspect we would be investigated by the fraud squad and if they considered there was a case to answer we'd be in the High Court if we liked it or not. If we were acquitted the PL would be in the mess, not us. Maybe we don't need to concern ourselves with appeals procedure!
Ironically we would probably get a fair hearing in a criminal court and it would happen in public unlike a private three-person panel appointed by the people who investigated us!
Noticed Cheesey has dropped a video on this 20 minutes ago. Thing is, I feel like I've watched hours worth of these discussions already. Still loads we don't know and I'm already getting bored of thinking about it. I'll probably still end up watching it later.
Its a drug.

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