PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Wow! A passionate post which made the hairs on my neck spring. Guys like Bill the Blue bleed sky blue blood and his passion and belief should make us all realise what’s it’s like to be a true blue.
I doth my cap to you sir.
winston churchill springs to mind. " have some of that you bastards. " well said sir.
They wouldn’t, it’s more explaining why city employees were negotiating a contract and then processing transactions with a city employee for Al Jazira.

I think it’s explainable (they are still leaked emails after all), it’s not a good look though.
Yeah, I'm not too bothered about the look. They were overpaying him for sure but again, that's none of the PL's business. The clubs are both owned by the same owner. Related party seems a stretch just because some employees facilitated some payments from one their owners accounts to another. Maybe I'm wrong though.

I haven't read anything about negotiations. Can you summarise?
Breaking my Talksport ban to listen to Martin Samuel, who sounds like he’s on 7-10pm tonight - unfortunately with liverpool’s Darren Lewis*
I’ve missed the first 45 mins - hopefully I didn’t miss any chat about us.
*Show being hosted by united fan Hugh Woozencroft too.
The biggest mistake our OWNER/board made was following our expenditure from 2008-10, we had to balance the books within a 1 year period.This was impossible,who knows what actions the owners took. All done for the greater good of the club, to invest in players and facilities.
we should of challenged the elite cartel of clubs then instead we chose not too, and we played softball with them. Detrimental to ourselves these red clubs had their own agenda, to stop us at all costs. We are guilty of increasing transfer fees and players wages, we we’re playing catch up against clubs that were used to getting their own way, breaking transfer records every year, cherry picking the best young players from lesser clubs.
Whatever happens now will last at least 2-4 years, we may well plead guilty to some of the lesser offences and get fines, but we will plead not guilty to the most serious charges.
The whole process should be challenged back to the days of its inception if possible.
We won’t be losing titles or cups, definitely fines or point reductions I’m sure. However if they did relegate us to a lower division, then I hope it’s division 2, why?? Because that would be a greater story to follow and our/my loyalty will never change to a club that has been part of my life for 59 years. CTID.
Just stepping back and weighing things up here..

We were taken over in 2008 and had investment pumped into our club to enable us to complete with the likes of the rags, dippers, tarquins and chavs who between them had enjoyed a bit of a carve up with regards to winning leagues and cups and in turn benefitting from the millions of £'s CL qualification had to offer.

In what then appeared to be a fit of panic, new PL rules were quickly being assembled to ensure we wouldn't be to gate-crash the closed shop party.

However, because we were professional, clever and smart, we managed to get into the castle just before the drawbridge closed.

Obviously, the usual suspects were well pissed off..

From thereon in, not only did we build a team capable of competing with the chosen few, we assembled a management infrastructure that blew the old guard completely away.

The old ways where owners such as the Glazers, Kronke's and FSG's systematically syphoned off £100's of millions out of their clubs was being shown up for what it was..'pure greed'..!

The Glazers have taken out £1.1 billion pounds out of the rags since 2005 and have still not repaid anything anywhere near substantial off the £500 million pounds debt they originally dumped on the club.

Not a fkin peep about about this from the cnuts in the media btw..

Bingo, constantly whinging about the unfairness of it all whilst wasting untold millions on cart horses, this after spending £130 million pounds plus on a goalie and centre back. The fkin hypocrite..

City's new owners were not only investing in the team and management infanstructure, they were investing in East Manchester, generating 100's of local jobs, building a state of the art training complex and extending and improving stadium facilities..

All along, during this time you had the usual suspects looking at what we were doing with complete disgust..

City's owners were showing the rest of the PL and wider watching world how a football club should be run..

The watching world however were not impressed. They were far from happy that our club had 'elbowed it's way', albeit legitimately, onto the top table.

The G14 were getting rather pissed off too it seemed.

City soon faced charges of cheating and corruption, threats of CL expulsion and heavy fines.

Yet another obstacle for us to climb over.

Well guess what, we faced these charges head on and not only were we cleared of all the shit levied at us, we once again showed up the entitled establishment for what it was, a jumped up kangaroo court, backed by jealous, greedy owners of clubs who over the years had creamed off untold £millions without a thought for anyone else..

Over all this time, City went about their business on the field, playing mesmerising football, breaking record after record and winning stuff..

Let's not forget, Silva, Toure, Zabletta, Hart, Lescott, Clichy, Aguero, Nazri, Dzeko, Barry and the like were not the established world stars of the day.

I remember the media piss taking by one and all when Kaka turned us down, what was it ? Oh yeah, "you might have the money but you haven't got the class or history"..

They soon changed their tune however, when from 8 points behind with 6 games to play in 2012, we won the league in scenes that will never be bettered on SKYsports TV..

It was written in the stars that Ferguson and his rags team would win the PL that year.

Let's not forget, it would have been the rags 5th PL title in 6 years, btw, not a fkin peep out of the media twats about how unfair the rags dominance was back then, not a fkin squeak..

Ferguson had already been humiliated at the swamp 6-1 and had lost the return game at the Etihad in the most one sided1-0 you will ever had seen.

His team shit themselves that night and never crossed the halfway line, let alone had a shot on our goal..

Sergio's goal killed him, his team and the PL on that day.

At that precise time, I can safely say that I had never been happier in life..

Behind the scenes though, the chosen few were boiling with rage.

Not only had City beaten them on the pitch, they had fkin smashed them off it too..

The powers that be then wheeled in VAR and sold it as the tool to end all doubt, no more grey areas, dodgy decisions, unfair calls and confusion.

It's been and still is a clusterfuck of epic proportions, Rashford's 'goal' was a fkin bent, blatent cheating, scandalous fkin decision..

Fast forward to today, the chavs ownership has changed and yet another yank has appeared on the scene.

The chavs have managed to write off £1.5 billion pounds worth of loans Abramovich had saddled them with and they have just gone and spunked in the region of £600 million on new players.

Not a fkin peep out of the twats at SKY or the usual media twats about FFP, dodgy dealings or unfairness of it all, not a fkin peep..

The rags and dippers are now being hawked around all and sundry and my guess is it's because their yank owners have finally realised that we in the UK are not the US.

We don't run our football clubs as franchises where there is no relegation or promotion and you get to cream the money off year in year out..

You invest, build, nurture, manage and plan. You then compete on a level playing field and work hard to win stuff..

Apparently not any more you fkin don't..!

In yet another roll of the dice, the PL have delved back in time to 2009 to rummage through our accounts to see what they can now stick us with..

Our accounts that btw have been meticulously pawed over time and again prior to being signed off as true and correct back in the day..

Never mind that though, over 100 charges apparently, all the usual suspects are now giddy as fcuk, baying for us to be hit with relegation, title stripping, expulsion, points deduction... All of these they all scream..

Well guess what you bunch of bent fcukers, we've beaten you on and off the pitch, we've beaten you at the CAS and I have 100% faith that we'll beat you again..

Our owners have remained firm time and again and have shown their commitment to City by fighting all these allegations off for years and I'm certain that they are not going to throw the towel in now.

We are a £4billion pound giant of the game with the highest turnover in world football..

That's why I have complete trust in the guys that run our club..

That's why I know we're not going to go away into the darkness lightly..

That's why I'm confident that we are going to straighten this out once and for all..

However, I don't want us just to finally clear our name, I want my pound of flesh..

I sincerely hope that we blow these fcukers out of the water and if that means we sue their arses off in court after this is done and the PL collapses into itself then that'll be a good start as far as I'm concerned..

We have been waiting for this day to finally arrive, we will be fully prepared and I'm convinced that we'll prevail..!
Spoken from the heart and for every genuine City fan.

Pin this up in the Board Room.
They wouldn’t, it’s more explaining why city employees were negotiating a contract and then processing transactions with a city employee for Al Jazira.

I think it’s explainable (they are still leaked emails after all), it’s not a good look though.
If the possible livelihood of us is hinging on the Mancini contract payments then football is truely fucked.

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