PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think it's 'beyond reasonable doubt' in a criminal case, but the burden of proof isn't as high in a civil case. Not sure how it's worded but it's along the lines of reasonable standard I think.
While I'm happy to be corrected, my understanding is that any evidence is likely to be considered by reference to the lower burden of proof applied in all civil proceedings, that being the 'balance of probability'. Once a thorough investigation has been completed, it is for the complainant (in this case the Premiership) to present evidence in support of their case to demonstrate it was more likely the club were in breach than not. This is very much a double-edged sword though in that, while it isn't necessary for the Premiership to find evidence of a 'smoking gun' as it were (i.e. to meet the 'beyond reasonable doubt' threshold'), they need to be able to make a persuasive argument to the so-called 'independent commission' that their interpretation of the rules is beyond question and how those rules were breached.
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I have just spoken to a friend inside CFG.

They aren't worried, and neither should we be.

There are no surprises. Khaldoon will burn down the entire Premier League house if it comes to it.
Love it. Obviously I wouldn’t ask you to betray a confidence but after speaking to your friend, would it be safe to say that you are also feeling confident.

I remember you from the CAS case giving similar bullish statements which I can tell you, were a great support to people like myself and countless others.

How confident (scale of 1 to 10) would you say the club are mate?
Financial Returns can be as detailed as the company involved requires. Now if the PL has a specific accusation, let's say "City claim Gabriel Jesus was paid £100k pw, but we (the PL) have received "credible" accusations from the Hateful Eight that City were making additional payments into an offshore trust fund totalling £4.8m per annum, to which Jesus is a beneficiary", then great.

Let the PL make their SPECIFIC accusations known & City will answer them. So far all I've heard is:

Premier League: "The Hateful Eight clubs who wrote a letter to the us on Arsenal headed paper demanding City be thrown out of the PL, think City have been up to something dodgy. Can you help us build a case against you please?

City: Go fuck yourself. We'll see you in the Supreme Court.

It's really that simple...
Maybe Jesus is the whistleblower ;) lol

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