PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It depends what they mean. They have already been to the High Court on procedural grounds in this matter. And can again. BUT they can't go there in respect of the substantive consideration of the facts unless the process has serious irregularities or doesn't have jurisdiction.
If a sanction is handed down that threatens the existence of the City business, based on hacked out of context emails, could City argue the panel doesn’t have the jurisdiction to in effect close down a viable business based purely on the probability that they are correct, without hard facts and that contradicts audited records?
or indeed could the club go for the high court as a way of time distancing the charges so that the mood has calmed down a bit and ex months or years down the line most of the media scrum will have died down?
Nope, literally can't challenge on those grounds. Next.
From the PL rule book

Subject to the provisions of sections 67 to 71 of the Act, the award shall be final and binding on the parties and there shall be no right of appeal. There shall be no right of appeal on a point of law under section 69 of the Act. In the event that a party to arbitration under this Section X challenges the award, whether in the English High Court or any other forum, it shall ensure that the League is provided with a copy of any written pleadings filed and/or evidence adduced as soon as reasonably practicable after their/its filing.
I've just listened to sly sports ( I know I shouldnt) about whether, if it came to the worst and City were thrown out of the Premier League would they be accepted into the EFL. They reckon that the EFL probably wouldn't accept City, from what theve heard. The more you dig into it the more it looks as if they are threatening our very existence as a club. Our am I being over dramatic there.

Remember they wanted FFP because they didn’t want another Portsmouth of Leeds. We would say no one gave a flying fuck when we going bust apart from mocking us with banners.

Now they actually want us obliterated, talk about a message to anyone wanting to try.
Do you think for one minute any of those other clubs want us in it? We’d be kicked out for things like these charges before we kicked a ball. I don’t trust any of those other clubs one bit.
You know that point where your sarcasm is so advanced people think you're serious?

I think i've reached it.
People stop shitting it @projectriver is wrong. we can indeed go to the high court. it is indeed set out in the rulebook itself. read for yourself. it is written in plain language.
It is written in plain language. I linked it and explained it. There are TWO routes to court. Substantive jurisdiction - irrelevant as the PL obviously has jurisdiction. And "serious irregularity". Thats it. If you disagree I think you owe the audience a proper explanation why.
I am no lawyer, but if City are punished and the punishment is deemed excessive and damaging to City on a commercial/reputational level, City should be able to challenge that in the courts.
That’s what I’m thinking. City receiving a big punishment which doesn’t fit the crime, surely we have the right to take it to court? Doesn’t make any sense for the PL to be the judge on our fate. Kangaroo court all over again.
Whatever happens guys, we know we won it all on the pitch, they can never take the Aguero moment from us or that fight back last year, they know they can’t beat us on the pitch so they will try anything else. I think it’s a watershed moment now, if we lose we will come back even stronger, if we win it will do untold damage to the league as they are shown up for what they are, whatever happens nothing will be the same afterwards.
Remember when UEFA charged City last time there was a programme on Irish TV and Niall Quin was discussing City's plight with Graham Souness. Quinn stated that for him al City's success was tainted. Sourness stood up for City and reminded him of the great moments that we have gone through since the takeover and the redevelopment of the area. With friends like Niall Quin we don't need enemies. I know the post is a bit random but I thought I would get it off my chest.
100 charges, EXACTLY 100.

Not 92 or 78 or 86 or 109.


How coincidental, how symmetrical.

How much planning,scheming and manipulation went into arriving at EXACTLY 100.

Clear & Obvious !!
City have presented the judge, jury & executioner with reams of records going back over the period of the witch-hunt.

The club should now demand copies of all correspondence twixt the PL and all and any club that contains the words Manchester City or MCFC over the same period.

Additionally, all minutes,transcripts and footage from all meetings internal or external containing reference to the club should be released.

Finally, the dates,locations and attendees of any meeting(formal,social,private) twixt PL and and any other PL club(s) or football officials, must be revealed.

The photos of the hideous red shirt 'rivals' meeting in NY make me feel sick and should be circulated far,wide and frequently to establish a narrative agin these odious bastards !!
From the PL rule book

Subject to the provisions of sections 67 to 71 of the Act, the award shall be final and binding on the parties and there shall be no right of appeal. There shall be no right of appeal on a point of law under section 69 of the Act. In the event that a party to arbitration under this Section X challenges the award, whether in the English High Court or any other forum, it shall ensure that the League is provided with a copy of any written pleadings filed and/or evidence adduced as soon as reasonably practicable after their/its filing.
I explained this above. It says, in short, there are almost no ways to Court.

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