PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

A picture is beginning to emerge...

The dirty bastards. They'll try to hurt us guilty or not guilty. A year out of the CL for City & the Red Tops will see it as mission accomplished.
Tell you what if we get 'docked' a year out of the CL, fuck knows how many records we'll set in the Prem that season.
You are right to say that in some cases, procedures allow the parties to 'settle' intended charges of misconduct, but that is not a universal practice. In some cases, charges are brought without giving the other side a chance to negotiate a settlement. You have the simple choice of accepting the charges or fighting them.
You are right to say that in some cases, procedures allow the parties to 'settle' intended charges of misconduct, but that is not a universal practice. In some cases, charges are brought without giving the other side a chance to negotiate a settlement. You have the simple choice of accepting the charges or fighting them.
the problem with that strategy is that it usually indicates one of two things, it either indicates an absolute slam dunk of a case where they have no intention of letting the settle because everything is so watertight OR that the evidence is so shaky that you have gone for shock and awe tactics to make the other party so nervous that they take the charges because the other parties perceived confidence is so much that it isnt worth fighting which is the tactic of the bully, i would suggest the pl case falls very much into the latter category.
Why? UEFA didn't.
Yeah, it isn't conspiracy minded to suggest that big hitting clubs around the country and Europe have put pressure on their organizations to prosecute based on the email leaks and that the email leaks are the only evidence anyone has.

The email leaks, as we learned at CAS, look bad when viewed from a certain angle and edited by the press to tell a narrative, but can very easily be read another way when you speak to the people who wrote them.

CAS even went so far to say one of the reasons we got the non-cooperation charge was because if we'd actually send evidence at an earlier point in the process then it would never have got as far as it did.

But I am 99% sure that the PL doesn't have anything else to work with beyond leaked emails broadly in the public domain.
It’s certainly tarnishing our reputation. We are pre judged in the court of public opinion as guilty or post facto guilty of paying off the EPL if not sanctioned .
It's no wonder the government are proceeding with an IFR.

The way this has been handled, it wouldn't have even got to first base in the UK legal process of lodging a claim or bringing charges.

Essentially the PL have made public their accusations & said we'll provide the evidence within the next 4 years.

That's utter bullshit & would never be allowed in the UK's legal system. In fact, I'm pretty sure if someone attempted to do this, there'd be a cast iron case for libel & slander.

You can't go throwing accusations around, then say you don't have the evidence, then ask for four years to gather your evidence.

I've never heard anything like it!
It’s certainly tarnishing our reputation. We are pre judged in the court of public opinion as guilty or post facto guilty of paying off the EPL if not sanctioned .
Without any supporting evidence, shouldn't City have a cast iron case for libel & slander?

Shouldn't we be giving them a timeline to backup their claims & tell them to put up or shut up?
I keep reading about how hard done by Everton are
Where has this narrative come from?
its almost like because they are shit, everyone (spitty, Oliver holt, Simon Jordan etc) feels sorry for them
In the same way because Chelsea are a bit of a joke (for now) no one really cares about the spending.
But with us it’s a totally different ball game. It’s like they hate us because we’re winning and our success is eating them alive.
Success breeds jealousy.
Everton tried a Leeds United approach and it didn't work, although they managed to stay up.

This is one of the aims of FFP (as well as protecting the establishment). Stop Clubs gambling fortunes on their futures.

If Everton hadn't had wasted all those millions, been relegated a few years ago as they weren't good enough they would have bounced back by now in a far healthier position.

I'm not sure fines and Docking points are the answer to these type of offences but don't know what the punishment should be tbh.
unbrainwashing is virtually impossible. facts and logic carry no weight with the massed ranks of the afflicted, As a first line of defence, a smirk, with a patina of sneer, perfected by politicians no matter how guilty they are. Works for them as accountability is non-existent, they have been innoculated against the truth virus, Alternative Intelligence......ffs
I'm not going into the detail of the City charges but what I'll say with Everton is that their case was far more 'cut and dry' than the City charges as they were warned repeatedly about their FFP obligations by the PL but still went ahead and signed players and incurred losses, assuming they could write it off against Covid. The fact other teams complied with FFP and then got relegated means that they have a far more persuasive argument for compensation and, make no mistake, Everton will be sued successfully for many millions of pounds.

With you guys there are charges that have not yet been proven and that will take time and process. Plus these charges are all retrospective, there was no edict at the time the alleged offences were taking place where the PL said 'hey guys you shouldn't be doing this, please stop'.

With Everton the PL was warning them at the time they were incurring losses that they should not be signing any more players but they went ahead and did it anyway so it was far easier for the PL to find them guilty and issue the penalty.
I don't disagree with your points about Everton or City in respect of FFP.

The point I'm making is that the idea of suing a commercial rival for sustaining losses, which were ultimately funded by its ownership, exists in no other UK industry, as far as I'm aware.

Anyway, I'm no lawyer (I work in finance) but I can't imagine an independent regulator would look too kindly on it.

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