PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If the City fan had gone on T/S and airily said this is all nonsense, there’s nothing to worry about, T/S would have clipped him sounding arrogant.

Hopefully this will all be dealt with by facts and it appears the city fan was dealing in facts. The fair listener will see things for what they are and make their own minds up.

Any PR problems stem from how the club has dealt with this witch hunt I think. We have been far too accommodating to people who despise us.
We're fortunate to have someone as knowledgeable and articulate as Stefan to provide an alternative to much of the nonsense that's been put out by the media regarding our case. Simon Jordan is a rude, obnoxious dickhead though, constantly interjecting and trying to talk over people.

They were always going to find an angle off what he said and run with it. Anyone with any common sense listening to that interview can see its not a simple case. He isn't stupid for saying that as he has to give his professional view on what the outcome could be either way. No point flapping on what TS decide to post. It's not going to have any affect on the case anyway. The masses will still continue to throw mud and want titles stripped but you can be sure that we will defend ourselves rigorously, so no need to give a shit what other fans think. As he said they have to prove mass fraud. Good luck with that.
It was obvious what they would do with those words , clip it for clickbait , fans of other clubs and the media will run with that and not the balanced arguement he put foward , walked straight into it
If you don't point out the possible consequences of a guilty verdict its not a balanced view. You end up coming across just like every other person with an agenda.
I listen to it live and although Stephan was very good I do believe he needed to choose his words better, especially knowing how that station would twist everything.

When explaining the sheer scale of what would be a major fraud case, he said the PL would struggle to prove it. I believe he should have stressed more that its unbelievable that such a giant fraud could be possible without a whistle-blower or easy evidence being found after 6 years of looking.

For me it gave Jordan the ongoing chance to say, we are guilty but the PL just weren't clever enough to prove it.

Just my take.

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