PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

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I remember him once using the word “brouhaha” on Talkshite and I thought at the time “aye aye, you‘re one of these people who hear a word and like the sound of it, write it down and then look it up and see how you can use it in a conversation to make you sound clever”. The only time I’ve heard it, apart from him using it, was Carson on Downton…
I must confess it's a word regularly used from my lexicon arsenal... Lol :-)

It's more popular with Americans to be fair...
City spending £300m on the stadium so obviously don't think there's a risk of being found guilty.
Rags appointing berrada as CEO so they don't think there is a risk of city being guilty.
Etihad opening the books for the world to see so they don't have anything to hide.

Only one way this is going.

That is nearly 3 times more than the stadium cost of 110m
In this country if you can afford it you absolutely do just that given the list of miscarriages of justice.
It's not just the risk of a miscarriage of justice the club have to avoid, it's the media witch hunt that has reached fever pitch.

If these charges are found to be unfounded and the case is dropped leading to MCFC being cleared and exonerated of any wrongdoing; does anyone really believe that the British media will except that outcome gracefully?

They'll be sharpening their knives and plotting a new narrative based on cover ups and payoffs.

That old adage springs to mind: "you're damned if you do and damned if you don't"

It feels to me that this smear campaign has nothing to do with seeking justice and everything to do with providing the media outlets, broadcasting media, pundits and footballing fraternity a legitimate way to avoid celebrating the collosal strides and achievements MCFC have achieved over the past fifteen years.
We're giving the likes of Jerk Off Jordan enough rope to professionally hang themselves with. His hackneyed anti-City diatribes will have zero credibility left once this witchhunt is over.
You say that but the CAS verdict was quite clear that there was no issue with either the Etihad contract (most of which wasn't time-barred) or the Etisalat contract (which was). Yet people like Jordan still go on about time-barring when it had zero impact on the outcome.
You say that but the CAS verdict was quite clear that there was no issue with either the Etihad contract (most of which wasn't time-barred) or the Etisalat contract (which was). Yet people like Jordan still go on about time-barring when it had zero impact on the outcome.


I asked the question. Don’t think it got a reply looking back. Do you know the reason or reasons why 1 of the 3 CAS Judges found City guilty? Was their reason/reasons ever stated in the judges final decisions? Thanks.
I think the PL lawyers will be both highly competent and tearing their fucking hair out with the material they’ve got to work with!
I think you're right. The lack of concrete evidence is the reason it has took them so long to bring charges and the reason City,s owners don't seem to give a fuck and have carried on with extending the stadium ect.
Just seen that Etihad Airways are thinking of going on the stock market thingy. Apparently that is good news for us because it means Etihad Airways accounts will be open to everyone.

The article states that Etihad Airways wouldn't be doing this if they had committed fraud with City in the sponsorship deal.

Although the same character has penned an article for the MEN which argues that opening up Etihad's books to the world could be a "bombshell" which proves der Spiegel claims that Etihad only actually paid £8 million of the sponsorship which "would breach financial rules set by both the Premier League and UEFA while it could also suggest a fraudulent conspiracy between City's top brass and Etihad executives according to one industry source." It does seem unlikely that Etihad would launch the IPO with an admission of fraud!

I asked the question. Don’t think it got a reply looking back. Do you know the reason or reasons why 1 of the 3 CAS Judges found City guilty? Was their reason/reasons ever stated in the judges final decisions? Thanks.
Probably a boyhood fan of one of the red top clubs. ;-)

I asked the question. Don’t think it got a reply looking back. Do you know the reason or reasons why 1 of the 3 CAS Judges found City guilty? Was their reason/reasons ever stated in the judges final decisions? Thanks.
CAS don't appear to publish details of minority verdicts.
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I still dont understand all this shit about the Etihad and City sponsorship. Why put money into another company for that company to than put it into Etihad Airways who than put it into City ?

Why didnt our owner just put money straight into City by one of his other companies.

Just copy Leicester City were the owner use his own company to sponsor the stadium and shirts.

It seems so much more simpler way of putting your own money into your own club. City are alleged to have gone round the houses to put money in, when Leicester way is so much easier.

Why not copy what Leicester have done ?
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