PL clubs unanimously agree to introduction of Semi-Automated Offside Technology

Sure, it's just a principle thing with me. I know it's going to happen. I am old and liked the game how it used to be, tbh.

Just prepare to be losing some brilliantly worked goals for a toe being 1mm offside in the search for an exactness that can't be guaranteed and that no-one watching in the ground or on tv could have seen.

Would the fact that Liverpool get a lot of offsides go against them with VAR not tempt you onside?

I'm not one for conspiracies, but most refs/assistants would have been kids, or had parents who were fans when Liverpool were the glory hunters "second team". I don't think there's any organised bias, but like the media love in, I suspect a lot of officials have a little bit of a soft spot for them.

For whatever reason, they do seem to get more offsides against them when the process is more accurate.
Great news and long overdue. Regardless of the level of accuracy, an algorithm using sensor technology is always going to make the judgement on offside more objectively than any human being drawing lines. Nobody moans about GLT no matter how close the decision because it is beyond reproach in its objectivity. Referees and their lack of quality are the problem and so everything we do that removes their influence is a good thing.

So once again a chance to change the offside law is missed. Make the law clear daylight and move on.

That doesn’t change the accuracy of decisions though, you’re just moving the line about 1 yard further forward but you still have to draw a line with exactly the same precision. You’re just moving the problem to a different part of the pitch. Everybody will start saying “Is that daylight? Doesn’t look it to me. His toe is 1mm in line with the defender.” “Benefit of the doubt should be to the attacker so that’s close enough to daylight for my liking.” Etc.
There’s a very good reason it can’t be fully automated.

A computer can’t tell whether a player in an offside position is committing an offside offence.

That may be the case right now but I can’t see it staying like that for long.

AI will be much more objective and capable in making decisions on whether a player is interfering than a human will be. This is a fairly simple problem to solve for AI compared to nearly every other big problem that the likes of Google are trying to solve. It’s the application of a standard rule to an infinite set of scenarios, something that in the last year the big models have gotten frighteningly good at.

There will come a day in the next 10 years where the technology will exist to decide offsides instantaneously entirely without human intervention, just like a net cord sensor calling Lets in Tennis with a beep. Whether FIFA implement it is another matter because, as I am at pains to say nearly every time technology in football is raised as a topic - FIFA haven’t managed to come up with a good time-keeping system in the last 120 years. Possibly the simplest of technology problems.
That may be the case right now but I can’t see it staying like that for long.

AI will be much more objective and capable in making decisions on whether a player is interfering than a human will be. This is a fairly simple problem to solve for AI compared to nearly every other big problem that the likes of Google are trying to solve. It’s the application of a standard rule to an infinite set of scenarios, something that in the last year the big models have gotten frighteningly good at.

There will come a day in the next 10 years where the technology will exist to decide offsides instantaneously entirely without human intervention, just like a net cord sensor calling Lets in Tennis with a beep. Whether FIFA implement it is another matter because, as I am at pains to say nearly every time technology in football is raised as a topic - FIFA haven’t managed to come up with a good time-keeping system in the last 120 years. Possibly the simplest of technology problems.

Yes, I’m sure technically it’s quite simple. But a bit like driverless cars, the technology exists, it would be a lot safer than things are now. But I suspect it will be a long, long time before either will be trusted to take over the job fully.

Let’s not forget that FIFA were the biggest opponents to the introduction of a VAR for many years. It was generally the people who now whinge the loudest about it that were the main protagonists pushing for its introduction.
It will still be bent as fuck.
Imagine if every team had a big screen.
Offsides could be shown on them.
Screens are irrelevant to the process. It just means rags and dippers can’t see the decision. Maybe their fans will protest enough for their owners to install them.

Aren’t you the guy giving up on football at the end of the season? If so, why are you arsed what happens afterwards?
Screens are irrelevant to the process. It just means rags and dippers can’t see the decision. Maybe their fans will protest enough for their owners to install them.

Aren’t you the guy giving up on football at the end of the season? If so, why are you arsed what happens afterwards?
I'm giving up my ticket.
As the cost is a joke .
Among other things.
I'll still watch City games though.
If that's OK with you
About time,after the refusal last season or the season before was it to implement it,saying that if anyone can make a mess of this it will be PGMOL ..

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