Platini talking bollox, threatning to kick us out the waffa


Well-Known Member
8 Dec 2008
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rom-europe</a>

what the fuck at this guy? is he actually serious?

what a joke!
No sorry, the rags, liverpool, chelski and arsenal will all be exempt from the rule because it is their god given right to be in there.

But city, wtf. Ban them straight away, coming in and upsetting everyone.

Well f**k them all. If it is based on money and the ability to pay without being in debt, I think we will be winning the cup every year as we will be only one of a few teams left able to play!!
The guy is a first class a***hole and they said on talkshite earlier he's tryin' to morph himself into Seb Blatter by talkin out of his anus.
What a complete load of crap.

Its amazing that a person with his position (and Blatter) are so anti British. At the top, you have to be impartial and not be seen as so against someone/something.

Dont they realise that what they propose would kill football as it would be the strong getting stronger and no one else able to compete. The Champions League now is boring for most who dont have teams in it, same with the Premiership top 4. If we cant get there this year, id love Villa to get in, purely for a change. Alot of fans of other non top 4 clubs would probably share that.

With the total incompetance of the FA and thier refs, and idiots like Plattini, i must admit my interest in football at the moment wanes by the week, and thats with us having the best opportunity ive ever seen in my lifetime (39 years old) to finally challenge.

Ironically, Platini didnt moan when he was a player i bet, playing abroad and i bet he was on massive wages at the time also.
Its funny how everyone uses us as a benchmark. Yesterday in work i had same idiot see my City Stadium photo frames on my wall and started telling me how rediculas KaKa was at 500k a wwek salery and its ruining football. I told him (well tried) that the wages would not be even close to 500k, it was crap paper talk and i mentioned it was funny how no one brought this up with Beckham's Hollywood earnings and his response was "thats different, as its USA soccer" FFS. Just shows the total ignorance of people who only read back pacges of the Sun etc.

I also said what happens when Ronaldo goes to Madrid for 75-80 million, is that ruining football and his reply was " yeah but he is best player and worth it". I gave up then and made my excuse and went to a different part of the office before i took my city framed photo and hit him with it lol.

France has many Clubs but they are very poor, they can not attract big names players or win anything. Clochards, so he try to pull a French Revolution, he can not stand British Clubs, so now he try his "Liberte Equalite Fraternite" merde.

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