Platini talking bollox, threatning to kick us out the waffa

He was considered one of the best players in the world at the time he left St Etienne for Juventus in 1982, and it was almost a free transfer, so you KNOW he cashed in with some serious coin in the weekly pay packet! So, did he donate all his income to a charity for underprivileged children? I think not!


Mon dieu!
Totally extraordinary statement by the French whinger. How the hell does this bloke hold such an influential position? What a dickhead.
1.618034 said:
Surely the point is...


We aren't borrowing any money, unlike The Stretford Devils et al who's funds are borrowed so putting the clubs in further debt...

We have no debt, just pots of cash!
He's talking about your actual earnings covering any spending. Our earnings wouldn't even cover the cost of one Kaka, let alone a whole squad. This would be a great idea if football had only been invented yesterday. However, it wasn't and the clubs that have the highest earnings (and could therefore afford the best players) are the ones that are already giants: Rags, Liverpool, Madird, Milan, Barca etc etc.

What he is basically proposing is the death of football as we know it and the intorduction of a European Super League; only he's too fucking stupid to realise that that is what the outcome would be. If such a rule was brought in, the other 16 Premier League clubs may as well pack up and go home because they would NEVER stand a chance of even competing for 4th place ever again.

The man is a complete and utter fucking twatflap.

Oh, and not that I'm complaining, but since when has Manchester been Engand's second city? Just about sums up the standard of journalism I've come to expect from
Platini is wrong on this one, as long as you have the money and you're club are not in debt then they can pay whatever they want to sign players. The only way to go forward in any business ( including sports) is to have an open market.

Even if a club paid 150 mil on one player that does not mean that the market will be inflated because simply no other clubs can match that sum.
Platini needs to take a long hard look at the Champions League which is becoming a predictable bore fest. Same old teams year in year out. He says he wants to encourage teams from other countries to do well but surely club income from smaller European nations will be miniscule compared to the financial muscle of the top Italian, Spanish and English clubs no matter what restrictions he applies.

The best thing he could do is scrap the seedings system of the Champs League. That system is only in place to protect those teams that already have the most power. But he won't address that because it may mean a first round exit for Real Madrid, AC Milan (when they return) or god forbid, the Rags, whilst some team from Lithuania or Norway etc progresses to the semi final.
If the seedings were removed you just know that the most powerful clubs will threaten to break away again and we will be back to square one. It's all about money and the fact that obscene amounts of money are being paid for and to players is irrelevant.

Platini is a hypocrite of the worst kind and he will never be allowed to influence how individual companies spend their money. He forgets that it is because of the Champions League and the wealth that it generates for those involved that others who want to be involved have little or no option other than to spend more and more money to try and break into the exclusive club that he represents.
Typical French agitator... he doesn't even realise his own ideas are unworkable...

Salary Caps? - clubs will merely pay monies, other incentives under the table to continue securing the best talent and staying ahead of the rest.

As for clubs not being able to spend more than their income?

This wouldn't affect City in the slightest - our owners would merely convert their monies for transfers into sponsorship deals.

Various Abu Dhabi companies would bankroll us.

Example - Etihad on our shirts next season - what can UEFA do about a separate entity sponsoring us to the tune of £50m a season?

They might well know the money is still coming from our owners indirectly - but can do jack shit about it.
So essentially he is guaranteeing the same clubs from every country, year on year champions league qualification.

Nobody else will be allowed to compete with them due to their increased revenue.

I wonder how much our sponsorship deal with Etihad will be worth a season if he brings this in? 300 million?

How will he stop that one?
svennis pennis said:
So essentially he is guaranteeing the same clubs from every country, year on year champions league qualification.
Nobody else will be allowed to compete with them due to their increased revenue.

I wonder how much our sponsorship deal with Etihad will be worth a season if he brings this in? 300 million?

How will he stop that one?

That it the bottom line THAT'S JUST what he wants and there is no way he is going to stop us anyway. However, he is fucked we have arrived! When was the last time a top international football official spoke about stopping City!!?

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