platt video on website

I wonder if he joined Bari just for the money when he was the new Record British Transfer back in 91?


The other major difference was the lure of the lire. As Platt remembers: 'The money put in front of me at Bari made it a no-brainer, whether or not I was keen to go for footballing reasons - which I was. It was hugely increased on what I could have possibly earned in England. .'
10.Goater_Legend said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
very positive after that interview.
Indeed looks like he's looking forward to working with Mancini.

People need to realise us bringing Platt in, is taking a City hating pundit of the main stream media and turning him the other way round, who is working for the good of the club. Good move by City imo.

spot on..rather have him inside of the tent pissing out so to speak..
samharris said:
10.Goater_Legend said:
Indeed looks like he's looking forward to working with Mancini.

People need to realise us bringing Platt in, is taking a City hating pundit of the main stream media and turning him the other way round, who is working for the good of the club. Good move by City imo.

spot on..rather have him inside of the tent pissing out so to speak..

I agree with both of these. I still think he's a hypocrite though. Still, let him who is without sin cast the first stone eh?
Question is though, if it starts to go tits up, will he care enough to do something about it or just shrug and walk? Will he make the decisions and the judgements based on what's good for the club or what's good for David Platt?
He's well versed in media presentation but would you trust him to look after your pint, never mind the well being of your playing staff?

It's like discussing whether Scott Sellars will shrug and walk. Well, actually, it's less important than that, as I seem to think that Sellars is now in charge of youth development at Platt Lane.

People are massively overstating his importance. He works below Brian Kidd and Fausto Salsano.
lewisMCFC said:
Is it me or is his smile saying 'im going to fuck you up, mwaha'

Its not just you. He just has a permanent smug expression on his ugly carp face. Like all rags. Anyway i wont be commenting on this anymore. I have heard him on football first and other sky progs slating us, we are not making it up. He is a hypocrite of the highest order and the fact he is a rag just makes it worse.

My club is worth a million David Platt's and its the club i love and support.
10.Goater_Legend said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
very positive after that interview.
Indeed looks like he's looking forward to working with Mancini.

People need to realise us bringing Platt in, is taking a City hating pundit of the main stream media and turning him the other way round, who is working for the good of the club. Good move by City imo.

The RagShite on Sky slagging us off - Platt on the road to Carrington - a blinding flash - and it's 'St. David' now professing all things skyblue. Let's see how it goes.

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