Player thread : Edin Dzeko (2014/15)

Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

bluemc1 said:
he might not be the best footballer in the world but that lad scores fucking goals

This! Always have and always will like dzeko! Hope he doesn't leave this summer
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

his pace is not his aim but for 2nd/3rd striker he score almost 30 goals find me another striker who do that in the world from that position..we need to keep him tbh
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Bizarre incident when he went down 'injured'. It looked like a routine scenario where a player goes down a little hard near the end of a game and stays down to get a breather and waste a minute or two. The trainers always come right one, the player's fine and there's no drama. Instead, once the ref refused to let the trainers on, Dzeko could either get up right away and basically admit he was making a meal of it, or stay down and insist on getting the trainers on. So he went for the face-saving option, but when Probert dug his heels in, it just escalated the situation. At that point he had to stay down. It was a bit like telling a small lie and then getting called on it and backed into a corner where you have to tell bigger and bigger lies.

I think we'd see a lot of similar incidents if more refs called the players' bluff like that, but we'd also see a lot of genuinely injured players denied assistance. This would continue until someone was seriously injured and was left on the ground for 5 minutes with something broken, at which point there'd be a big outcry and refs wouldn't dare to withhold assistance after that.

Basically, Dzeko did what most players would do (not that I like the tactic, but he wasn't trying to get a penalty or even a free-kick), and Probert turned the situation into a farce, and one that ended up costing Everton at least a minute of a very close game.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Our lord and saviour today. Thank you Dzeko.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Absolutely fantastic header, other than that a very odd game for him. Needs to stand where he did for the second goal more often though, as he'd get a lot more goals than he does hanging around on the penalty spot. Going to be crucial in these next two games
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

CaliforniaBlue said:
Bizarre incident when he went down 'injured'.

Nicely summed up, but you missed the bit about Probert being an utter ****!

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