Player thread : Edin Dzeko (2014/15)

Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Dzeko has the biggest love/hate relationship of any player atleast I can remember. I spend most of the match pissing and moaning about him, only for him to turn it on and score a brace and play great. I then find myself applauding him and wondering why we wanted rid of him.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Some of the posters on here are a joke. Claim he does nothing for most of the match and contributes nothing to the team, and then just pops in a goal. As if it's by accident. Not his positioning or offensive awareness. He just stand around and the ball comes to his feet. Unreal.

Is the Premier League so easy that Edin can score 14,14, and 16 goals over the last 3 seasons by "doing nothing"? Often with limited minutes too, and very important goals. Who else scores away goals like Dzeko?

We are looking at 2 league titles in 3 years potentially and you're suggesting Edin should leave or not be offered a contract and not grateful at all for his contribution?

The man is a City legend. Kept us alive in the FA cup against Notts 2 years ago which we won, co-leading scorer for the League Cup trophy this year, played a MASSIVE role in the PL the last 3 years - especially 2 years ago and this one.

I think some posters would rather not have Dzeko than to have him and the above trophies. And you call yourself City fans...
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

ColinLee said:
Puppet Master Silva said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Edin is a good guy as well as a good player. Great to hear all the praise he gave Yaya last night on MOTD, even though Edin won us the game and hopefully the title.

As I wrote earlier in the season, chat to fans of othe leading PL teams and virtually all of them would like to have Edin playing for their team.

Also, let's get this right. Pellers is taking a lot of credit for "saving" Edin's City career but it is Edin who has really kick started Manuel's job as our manager .

For fucks sake.
Yeah, sorry Tim but that was a load of old twaddle including the fact that he 'won us the game'. The team won the game.

That said Edin's had a good season for us overall and can be proud of his work. Will he be here next season? I wouldn't complain if he keeps it up.

OK Guys. I am right behind MP but the facts are that the City / Kloss / Txiki marketing machine have swung behind Manuel taking much of the credit for Edin's goals. Manuel himself hasn't claimed this and it may be the case that his management has helped to some degree. Edin is doing at least as much for Manuel as the other way round and yes it is a team game.

Hope we will all be celebrating on Sunday including you PMS.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

EaglesFan said:
nice neil said:
yeah whatever !! said:
fuck off!!
Second that. You can bet if we had Bony, these types would be saying "sell him and buy Dzecko". The grass is always greener elsewhere for some people. Maybe they think other team's players play brilliantly for 90 minutes, every game ? Get a grip !

I believe jazzy was sarcastic?

I've been following the "write-off" between the Puppet Master Silva and bunch of other people on the board and have just two questions:

1) If YOU claim one thing (Puppet Master) and 90% of other posters claim something else - what are the odds that YOU are correct?? Shouldn't that tell you something, really?

2) Stating that "dzeko doesnt lose defenders" and is "slow in the box"...and saying that you actually watched last night's game - dont add up.
Please re-watch his first goal and what he did to his marker. Fucking brilliant.
See his equalizer vs. QPR in title winning game. See his 1st vs. Everton last week - and where everton's defenders are (sniffing his nuts) while dzeko is in the air heading the ball.

Before you make claims like "dzeko doesnt move in the box", just pay attention to details mate...otherwise you simply come off as ignorant and stubborn (last two/three discussions with some guys here)

Firstly, how can you of been following me writing him off when it hasn't happened before the past week? Secondly you've just put a load of shit in quotations that I haven't said and then had the audacity to say "just pay attention to the details mate". Funny thing is I like Edin, and I don't know how many times I have to say it before some of the morons get it through their skull but he's had an amazing 2nd half to the season and a great season overall. My problem is next season when we (hopefully) get all our strikers fit he's not going to be the main man, and I've seen what Edin is like when he's not the main man, he's sulky and doesn't score nearly as consistently. If Edin was to play like he has since January I'd be happy for him to stay, but I have a little more perspective than some people who are just posting "Edin Dzeko legend".

But then again how can you argue with this logic:

Sigh said:
You're a troll. Simple as that.

Will you all stop talking to this prick.

There's no coming back from that is there. I mean, I'm floored.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

I know, it's not the most elegant way, but I have to cite my self, from a few years ago:

I know, probably most of you saw already enough youtube videos,
but here are two strikes from Dzeko which I like most

5-1 vs. Bayern Munich.
He scored two that game, but I love the 2nd.

3-0 vs. VfB Eintracht, Germanys Top Scorer 2009/10
You have to wait for an add, and than scroll to 60sec. Watch Edin's control, which made him Germany's alone top scorer that year.

Here it was the last game of the season, and he and Kiessling from Bayer Leverkusen had scored 21 goals so far. But Kiessling didn't score in the other game :)

The reason I love this guy is not only he is the best (paid) player from my country, but because I have a feeling that he is really a great person. It has been long since I was a teenager, I'm not just a crazy kid being in love with any star. But, it's hard to understand what Dzeko means to us for those, who are not quite familiar with our recent, or even farther history.

Although I have to admit that he didnt really hit here at Manchester.

But all of those telling Dzeko is shit, you either do not have a clue about football, or you are judging him with some kind of prejudice, or you are just talking shit on purpose.

Having watched first few games (since the game against wolverhampton I just missed Aris away) I really had to wonder what was the idea behind that aquisition. He needs crosses that's true. But damn, he can score with his both feet as well. It's not all about crosses when it comes to Dzeko.
What he also needs is much faster attack build up. I do not know why, but I dont know if City ever played a fast counterattack, like that one from Wolfsburg against Bayern? I remember the one against the Wolves. If there is a real promissing possibility out there, the players are still passing the ball around, leaving opponent enough time to organise the defence, or even make pressure.

Dzeko is world class in the air, and one of the best classical strikers. I know that.
But Dzeko without crosses and a slow build up, is average. Maybe he can thrive even in that circumstances, but he will need time. Much more than I first thought :)

Although now, maybe his time will come sooner. He needs to be loved, to feel that the trainer, the players and the fans are confident with him. And I hope Carlos' is not out for very long, but Mancini and the players will have to believe in Dzeko now, as I cannot see Mancin playing Balotelli very soon after the show against Liverpool. So I really hope he can prove what he is capable of before the next season begins :)

Now, if you've read this, you'll maybe guess how good I feel now :) "Who is Babo" :)
Still, there is a game to go. But I'm sure all the guys will know what there is to do.
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Puppet Master Silva said:
Firstly, how can you of been following me writing him off when it hasn't happened before the past week? Secondly you've just put a load of shit in quotations that I haven't said and then had the audacity to say "just pay attention to the details mate". Funny thing is I like Edin, and I don't know how many times I have to say it before some of the morons get it through their skull but he's had an amazing 2nd half to the season and a great season overall. My problem is next season when we (hopefully) get all our strikers fit he's not going to be the main man, and I've seen what Edin is like when he's not the main man, he's sulky and doesn't score nearly as consistently. If Edin was to play like he has since January I'd be happy for him to stay, but I have a little more perspective than some people who are just posting "Edin Dzeko legend".

But then again how can you argue with this logic:
WTF are you saying, how thick can you be?

He hasn't been featured as a first choice in the first two seasons, and he wasn't the 1st choice in the first half of this season. And yet somehow he's the only striker to score consistently in the last 3 seasons in the whole of PL. More consistent than Suarez, RVP...

The man has scored important goals for us in each season he's been here.

Now it was proven that when he plays the role he's best suited for and receives proper service he's just unstoppable. Against top opposition Bayern and Barca (top teams) he's played great even without scoring, many recognized his contribution for excellent play.

When he gets confidence and plays regular football, his first touch and passing improves greatly. He contributes heaps defensively. Both Mancini and Pellegrini have chosen him for the team when we're facing a strong set piece side, Mancini even said it in one of his press conferences.

And then add his moments of brilliance: QPR, Notts, Spurs.. tons of super sub rescues last season, while also being the player to score the most goals in the 1st half in the league for us.

- This season he brought us to the finish line of winning the league yet again. With many away goals (13) and generally heavy goals, while scoring 26 in all competitions. Something like 55% of his goals during his time at City were either an equalizer or a lead taking goal.

If he isn't our most under-appreciated player period I really don't know who is. Yaya, Kompany, Zaba, Silva, Aguero are all great, but they don't get the abuse Edin has gotten over the years.

He is our most consistent striker, including Tevez and Balloteli. And you say he's inconsistent? The only thing inconsistent about him is his playing time and the role he played in the team.

Find me another striker who's been as fit as he's been, and benched as he's been benched to score this many goals in the most difficult league in the world. You won't find anyone close.

You should be kissing his boots instead of ragging on him.

"Sell him in summer and get Bony!"
Re: Edin Dzeko (continued)

Bony would have won us the league by now.

Arf, hope he stays and reaches the 100 goal club for us along with Serg.

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