Player thread: Pablo Zabaleta (2014/15)

Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

Zabba was the scorer of the forgotten goal in the QPR game, without it the other 2 goals would have counted for nothing and no Agueroooooooooo moment.
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread


He loves City, he loves Manchester, he's a blue, it's all good...
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

Tanzeylee said:

He loves City, he loves Manchester, he's a blue, it's all good...

Had a tear in my eye when he kissed the badge.
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

Hihosilva said:
Tanzeylee said:

He loves City, he loves Manchester, he's a blue, it's all good...

Had a tear in my eye when he kissed the badge.

yup, was a thing of beauty how Nasri and Zabba ran some distance to celebrate with our travelling fans. Epic images.
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

Matty said:
Zabaleta has been a fantastic servant for City since 2008 when he joined. When I see players kissing the badge it normally fills me with huge quantities of bile as it's invariably a trick used to ingratiate a player with the fans. However with Zaba you don't get that, he clearly feels extremely attached to the club, its fans, and the city and it comes across as a genuine action.

I actually think Zaba was ok last night, but nothing more. He made mistakes but he contributed well to the team performance, and took his goal really well. He's had better performances for us in the past, and he'll have better games in the future too, but you just can't knock his commitment or passion. When the money started to pour into the club I was concerned that Zaba would be left behind, that he wouldn't be of the required standard for where we wanted to go, but he took his game to another level, improved across the board, and has proven himself to be an excellent team player.

All true Matty.

The biggest tranformation his game has been his effectiveness going forward. Three seasons and more back, he was a great defender but very weak going forward, never getting a decent cross in and generally (sorry to say it) a bit of a waste of space in the final third. I preferred Micah most of the time because he was much more of a threat.

But how Zabba has improved. He's now famous for his constant bombing up and down and he makes really intelligent runs and decent crosses. He's even started to contribute a goal or two, with a delightful finish the other week and then again last night. He really is comfortably the best right back in the league. Add in thhe fact that he's really bought into being a Manc and he's such a model professional and seems like a generally nice bloke as well. Easy to see how is many fans' favourite player.
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

We need to be signing more argies. Di Maria doesn't deserve to be with that shite in stretford, shame we couldn't off brought him here.

Bloody zaba, can remember a game away vs Wigan years ago and he got sent off for going in late like he always did. I didn't thing he'd ever reach these heights, but he's class. I said a few weeks ago that were no way near champions league winning standard, but with the fighters weve got in this squad like zaba, it could drag us to the final.
Re: Pablo Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

2 things.

That photograph should be put on one of the walls in the new CFA.

And it's banner material.


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