Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

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Villa fan here.

The problem is he's nowhere near as good as Milner. I was gutted when Milner left, if Delph had left on a free without all loyalty bollocks, captain this etc, there would have been nowhere near the same issue.

I'm intrigued to see how delph will get on, it's not too long ago that he was though of as a headless chicken with a reckless tackle. Whilst I think he is more effective now, he doesn't score many, assist many or made villa tough to beat (might be easier at City). I have seen both Milner and Delph play for Villa, Milner was a far better CM than Delph, but couldn't get in at City in the middle (from what I saw of City) so I fear for Delph.

You're welcome here mate and free to express your opinion.
Moved for the money. The only explanation.
That one was similar to the Sterling transfer though, in that it was the one that finally confirmed that they're below us in the pecking order. The season before, they actually finished ahead of us, I think, so it still hadn't quite dawned on them.
Aston Villa Supporters

Gareth Barry - 11 years at Villa and 365 Premier League appearances. No honours to his name.





Spends 4 years at City and collects a Premier League medal and an FA Cup winners medal.


James Milner - 3 years at Villa and 100 Premier League appearances over the space of a loan and permanent contract. No honours.

Every touched booed when he returns in a City shirt.

Collects an FA Cup winners and runners up medal, a League Cup winners medal, a Charity Shield winners and runners up medal, and two Premier League medals in his time at City.

That is absolute bollocks about Milner. He's never been booed still a fans favourite, most were still hoping he'd come back ( before we fucked about at the bottom of the league for another season).

Barry did a Sterling, bleated to the press about wanting to play Champions league football, and then joined City who weren't in the Champions League. He made the right decision but at the time it Made him look a twat.

I'm starting to soften a bit about Delph. He's a dick, and bad at making decisions, but I for one actually believe he is honest. Sadly I don't think he's good enough for a top 4 midfield but the proof is in the pudding and he wants to try it.

Any way there's my perspective, hopefully with some balance to the anti villa bias.
Villa fan here.

The problem is he's nowhere near as good as Milner. I was gutted when Milner left, if Delph had left on a free without all loyalty bollocks, captain this etc, there would have been nowhere near the same issue.

I'm intrigued to see how delph will get on, it's not too long ago that he was though of as a headless chicken with a reckless tackle. Whilst I think he is more effective now, he doesn't score many, assist many or made villa tough to beat (might be easier at City). I have seen both Milner and Delph play for Villa, Milner was a far better CM than Delph, but couldn't get in at City in the middle (from what I saw of City) so I fear for Delph.

You don't need to tell many of us pal.
That is absolute bollocks about Milner. He's never been booed still a fans favourite, most were still hoping he'd come back ( before we fucked about at the bottom of the league for another season).

Barry did a Sterling, bleated to the press about wanting to play Champions league football, and then joined City who weren't in the Champions League. He made the right decision but at the time it Made him look a twat.

I'm starting to soften a bit about Delph. He's a dick, and bad at making decisions, but I for one actually believe he is honest. Sadly I don't think he's good enough for a top 4 midfield but the proof is in the pudding and he wants to try it.

Any way there's my perspective, hopefully with some balance to the anti villa bias.

I think I've been to every game we've played at Villa Park since Milner came here, and he's always been booed. Not as intensely as Barry was, and less so recently, but you're lying if you say he wasn't.

Barry spent 11 years at Villa, and was a club legend giving you his best years. When it was clear the club wasn't improving, and he could play at a higher level and he had the ambition to do so, he was slaughtered for it.

He wished to join Liverpool in 2008, but Villa blocked it and it fell through.

The following year Liverpool weren't in for him, and we moved for him.

And you lot absolutely slaughtered him for it.

I always remember that game where he came back in a City shirt because it was also the one in which Dunnie played against us for the first time in a Villa shirt, scored, and we sang his name throughout. Meanwhile Barry's every touch was booed and Villa fans waved ten pound notes at him as he took corners.

The contrast is something that I recall vividly.
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