if KDB was signed by the rags he would be THE most important football player on the planet.
ive watched him at the etihad do things which take my breath away,....then returned home to watch MOTD and his name hasn,t even been mentioned by the pundits.
i know a player when i see one,i also know the media agenda is to keep City down and out of the news,dont interfere with the utd/klopp wankfest...
Possibly ,only when you have played the game of football ,you can really appreciate the touch ,control and vision which fires this lad, and maybe you understand that class can be shown in a blink of an eye....the attempted killer pass that didn,t come off that nobody else has even seen anyway......its easy to comment on what you saw, but if you didn,t even knew it existed...this is getting messy,and ive had a drink.kdb is basically one step ahead of the game.every time.
I totally agree. I also played football for a long time. When i see KDB play, i want to be him.