Player topic: Sergio Aguero (2014/15)

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Re: Sergio Aguero

Jnico17 said:
city91 said:
I agree and to be fair I would not begrudge the lad a move to Madrid or Bayern if it meant him winning the CL. A player of Aguero's calibre deserves to win the lot.

That's the example of the English culture of tolerance.

-¿Cómo se paga esa deuda, en la Copa América, o hay que esperar otro Mundial?

-No sé. Si vos le preguntás a la gente en la calle qué opina de los delanteros del Mundial, el 90 por ciento te va a decir que fueron un desastre. La gente no tiene paciencia, quiere ganar. Quizá ganando la Copa América conformamos a los hinchas.

-How can you pay that debt? With the America's Cup, or we must wait for the next World Cup?

- I don't know. If you ask the people in the street what they think about the WC strikers, 90% will say they were a disaster. People has no patience, they wan to win. Maybe winning the America's Cup we will make it up for the fans.

By this, and other Aguero statements, he must be happy with living in england. You people in there are more tolerant, could understand for example if Aguero was english and got injured during the WC. Here in Argentina everyone hates him since the World Cup. 90% thinks it's almost his fault we didn't win the WC. There's always someone who gets it, this time it was him.

And in Real Madrid it would be kinda the same, and also the newspapers there...are just above imagination.

It might be a translation thing but I doubt people actually hate Kun. The simple fact is Argentina have a much stronger squad with him in the side than without. Also, its too simplistic to say that he was the reason why Argentina lost. For me Argentina would be a much more balanced and better side without Messi (as crazy as it sounds).

The different culture might be a valid reason though. Here at City he has everything he needs. His current contract will allow him to see out his peak years with us and whilst being set financially for life, he can then return to Argentina.

Also, for all the talk of him going to Madrid or Bayern to win the CL. There is no guarantee of that either. Remember no team has ever won back to back CL and realistically the likes of City, Chelsea, Barca, Dortmund and Atletico are all more than a match for them when their on form.
Re: Sergio Aguero

gordondaviesmoustache said:
city91 said:
As Sergio is currently the stand out PL player this season its only natural for him to be compared to Bale and Suarez who both hand brilliant seasons before having big money moves to Spain.

However, I do think that overlooks the fact that Aguero has been playing like this for us ever since he got here. Its only injuries that have prevented him from getting the recognition he deserves. In his first season he was top class, his second was ravaged by injury, his third he was neck and neck with Suarez until he got injured and this season he is top drawer.

Also, our situation compared to Spurs and Liverpool couldn't be more different. Unlike us they are not consistent title challengers or top 4 contenders. It will take them ages to be on an even footing with us never mind Munich or Madrid.

Finally, Aguero is a god here. We are one or two signings away from matching the likes of Bayern and he is the focal point of the team. I'm sure that challenge appeals more to him than moving to Madrid where he would also spoil his relationship with Atletoco.
Also the politics of the Real Madrid dressing room have always been poisonous. He will be all too aware of this from his time across the city.

He'd be giving a lot up, and taking a considerable risk by moving to Real. Not saying it won't ever happen, but I now reckon on balance it probably won't imo

I also can't see it happening myself but if he was to leave they would be the only club that could afford him. Bayern would rather poach the best players from their league and Barca have spent huge sums on Neymar and Suarez.

Like I previously said, the only way Madrid go for him is if Ronaldo leaves and there is no chance in hell City would help aid his return to United. Add in all the other factors and its highly probable/ practically certain that he stays here.

Now if he was an Arsenal player then he'd be up the M1 and wearing a light blue shirt faster than you can say Sergio. But as we have shown with Yaya we only sell players when it suits us.
Re: Sergio Aguero

city91 said:
Jnico17 said:
city91 said:
I agree and to be fair I would not begrudge the lad a move to Madrid or Bayern if it meant him winning the CL. A player of Aguero's calibre deserves to win the lot.

That's the example of the English culture of tolerance.

-¿Cómo se paga esa deuda, en la Copa América, o hay que esperar otro Mundial?

-No sé. Si vos le preguntás a la gente en la calle qué opina de los delanteros del Mundial, el 90 por ciento te va a decir que fueron un desastre. La gente no tiene paciencia, quiere ganar. Quizá ganando la Copa América conformamos a los hinchas.

-How can you pay that debt? With the America's Cup, or we must wait for the next World Cup?

- I don't know. If you ask the people in the street what they think about the WC strikers, 90% will say they were a disaster. People has no patience, they wan to win. Maybe winning the America's Cup we will make it up for the fans.

By this, and other Aguero statements, he must be happy with living in england. You people in there are more tolerant, could understand for example if Aguero was english and got injured during the WC. Here in Argentina everyone hates him since the World Cup. 90% thinks it's almost his fault we didn't win the WC. There's always someone who gets it, this time it was him.

And in Real Madrid it would be kinda the same, and also the newspapers there...are just above imagination.

It might be a translation thing but I doubt people actually hate Kun. The simple fact is Argentina have a much stronger squad with him in the side than without. Also, its too simplistic to say that he was the reason why Argentina lost. For me Argentina would be a much more balanced and better side without Messi (as crazy as it sounds).

The different culture might be a valid reason though. Here at City he has everything he needs. His current contract will allow him to see out his peak years with us and whilst being set financially for life, he can then return to Argentina.

Also, for all the talk of him going to Madrid or Bayern to win the CL. There is no guarantee of that either. Remember no team has ever won back to back CL and realistically the likes of City, Chelsea, Barca, Dortmund and Atletico are all more than a match for them when their on form.

The translation is just as you read it. Sergio Aguero is officially in Argentina the most hated player after the WC. I can honestly tell you this because I'm from here and the majority of people just don't think. They are blind and think Aguero played bad against Germany just because.....he lacked of balls.

But what can you expect when Messi has been always, from 2008 to 2011 and now again, treated in the same way. A lot of times here there was the question of Messi still playing for Argentina or not, after all the fans were speaking about him. It's really sad we have such great players and we don appreciate them.

I think the same about the Messi issue, but I'm sure that, as Simeone said, the solution is to have Messi in the field. But not playing, being invisible. That's the secret of the best Messi and that's what Guardiola used to do. But well, that's another discussion.

Right now, if you point the UCL, clearly Madrid, Bayern and Chelsea are above averyone. And they have the structure to be there for a long time. Barcelona made horrible, really horrible decisions. Andoni Zubizarrieta is the worst general manager (or whatever it is) I have ever seen.
Re: Sergio Aguero

Jnico17 said:
city91 said:
Jnico17 said:
That's the example of the English culture of tolerance.

-How can you pay that debt? With the America's Cup, or we must wait for the next World Cup?

- I don't know. If you ask the people in the street what they think about the WC strikers, 90% will say they were a disaster. People has no patience, they wan to win. Maybe winning the America's Cup we will make it up for the fans.

By this, and other Aguero statements, he must be happy with living in england. You people in there are more tolerant, could understand for example if Aguero was english and got injured during the WC. Here in Argentina everyone hates him since the World Cup. 90% thinks it's almost his fault we didn't win the WC. There's always someone who gets it, this time it was him.

And in Real Madrid it would be kinda the same, and also the newspapers there...are just above imagination.

It might be a translation thing but I doubt people actually hate Kun. The simple fact is Argentina have a much stronger squad with him in the side than without. Also, its too simplistic to say that he was the reason why Argentina lost. For me Argentina would be a much more balanced and better side without Messi (as crazy as it sounds).

The different culture might be a valid reason though. Here at City he has everything he needs. His current contract will allow him to see out his peak years with us and whilst being set financially for life, he can then return to Argentina.

Also, for all the talk of him going to Madrid or Bayern to win the CL. There is no guarantee of that either. Remember no team has ever won back to back CL and realistically the likes of City, Chelsea, Barca, Dortmund and Atletico are all more than a match for them when their on form.

The translation is just as you read it. Sergio Aguero is officially in Argentina the most hated player after the WC. I can honestly tell you this because I'm from here and the majority of people just don't think. They are blind and think Aguero played bad against Germany just because.....he lacked of balls.

But what can you expect when Messi has been always, from 2008 to 2011 and now again, treated in the same way. A lot of times here there was the question of Messi still playing for Argentina or not, after all the fans were speaking about him. It's really sad we have such great players and we don appreciate them.

I think the same about the Messi issue, but I'm sure that, as Simeone said, the solution is to have Messi in the field. But not playing, being invisible. That's the secret of the best Messi and that's what Guardiola used to do. But well, that's another discussion.

Right now, if you point the UCL, clearly Madrid, Bayern and Chelsea are above averyone. And they have the structure to be there for a long time. Barcelona made horrible, really horrible decisions. Andoni Zubizarrieta is the worst general manager (or whatever it is) I have ever seen.

Call me a sceptic,but I would suggest that the main reason Sergio is not liked in Argentina,is probably down to his father in law,who continues to slag him off,at every given opportunity.
I prefer a wonderful gifted player to a cheat any day.
Re: Sergio Aguero

oakiecokie, I'll tell you the truth: In Argentina, as a person, we don't like Maradona.

As a footballer there's another view and he's like god. So that was not the main reason, it's just you can't talk about football with 90% of argentinians. They only want to win, if have no balls.
Re: Sergio Aguero

He is simply unplayable and in the form of his life and is so vital to our short term plans and goals as a club (5 years) that whatever this kid wants to satisfy him as a Manchester City player we do, find or provide it's as simple as that - if he's happy he'll stay if he isn't he'll look to another club it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen.
Re: Sergio Aguero

Jnico17 said:
oakiecokie, I'll tell you the truth: In Argentina, as a person, we don't like Maradona.

As a footballer there's another view and he's like god. So that was not the main reason, it's just you can't talk about football with 90% of argentinians. They only want to win, if have no balls.

Maradona always seems to be perceived as a demi god by you fans.However I must accept that you know more than anyone else on this forum,as to his "likeability" within Argentina.
We are so blessed at City to have a superb and natural "world class" player in Sergio.Just a pity he`s not got the same support in his home country,as he has over here.
I have friends who are United,Liverpool,Everton and Arsenal fans who think he his the dogs bollocks and like him even more due to his professional attitude,character and certainly his ability to try and stay on his feet and not look for a cheating opportunity.
How is Zabaleta rated by your countrymen ?
Re: Sergio Aguero

Jnico17 said:
city91 said:
Jnico17 said:
That's the example of the English culture of tolerance.

-How can you pay that debt? With the America's Cup, or we must wait for the next World Cup?

- I don't know. If you ask the people in the street what they think about the WC strikers, 90% will say they were a disaster. People has no patience, they wan to win. Maybe winning the America's Cup we will make it up for the fans.

By this, and other Aguero statements, he must be happy with living in england. You people in there are more tolerant, could understand for example if Aguero was english and got injured during the WC. Here in Argentina everyone hates him since the World Cup. 90% thinks it's almost his fault we didn't win the WC. There's always someone who gets it, this time it was him.

And in Real Madrid it would be kinda the same, and also the newspapers there...are just above imagination.

It might be a translation thing but I doubt people actually hate Kun. The simple fact is Argentina have a much stronger squad with him in the side than without. Also, its too simplistic to say that he was the reason why Argentina lost. For me Argentina would be a much more balanced and better side without Messi (as crazy as it sounds).

The different culture might be a valid reason though. Here at City he has everything he needs. His current contract will allow him to see out his peak years with us and whilst being set financially for life, he can then return to Argentina.

Also, for all the talk of him going to Madrid or Bayern to win the CL. There is no guarantee of that either. Remember no team has ever won back to back CL and realistically the likes of City, Chelsea, Barca, Dortmund and Atletico are all more than a match for them when their on form.

The translation is just as you read it. Sergio Aguero is officially in Argentina the most hated player after the WC. I can honestly tell you this because I'm from here and the majority of people just don't think. They are blind and think Aguero played bad against Germany just because.....he lacked of balls.

But what can you expect when Messi has been always, from 2008 to 2011, treated in the same way. A lot of times here there was the question of Messi still playing for Argentina or not, after all the fans were speaking about them. It's really sad we have such great players and we don appreciate them.

I think the same about the Messi issue, but I'm sure that, as Simeone said, the solution is to have Messi in the field. But not playing, being invisible. That's the secret of the best Messi and that's what Guardiola used to do. But well, that's another discussion.

Right now, if you point the UCL, clearly Madrid, Bayern and Chelsea are above averyone. And they have the structure to be there for a long time. Barcelona made horrible, really horrible decisions. Andoni Zubizarrieta is the worst general manager (or whatever it is) I have ever seen.

To be fair though, I would have expected most Argentinians to be behind their national team players a lot more than the likes of England, Spain and Germany etc. I can't bring myself to cheer Rooney no matter what circumstances and I expect a lot of Valencia or Dortmund fans must feel the same way about the large number of Barca/ Madrid and Munich players in their teams.

Would you say the fact most member of the national team abandon the Argentine league for Europe leaves a bad taste with the fans? Because it doesn't seem to get them behind their players.

Also, I'm going to be biased but I truely do believe that we are a much better side than Chelsea. You might not think it with the press but we are. You only have to look at our recent meetings and they always turn up to defend, get outplayed and sneak a result. Its like the boxing equivalent of Holyfield and Tyson. We are the Tyson who will destroy teams and dominate teams in a manner of Bayern and Barca but we come unstuck against Chelsea. Can you honestly see the likes of Bayern, Madrid or even Barca coming to the Etihad for a draw?

I appreciate that Chelsea's style can and will bring them success, but to be the most feared in Europe and truly go down as a great side you need to impose yourself on your opponents. You need to strike fear into them and win the match mentally as well as physically. I can honestly say that I do not get that feeling about Chelsea.

The minute we translate our PL form to Europe, and we will, people will fear us. The thing we seem to lack is the self belief to impose ourselves against the teams in Europe. But with a fully fit Aguero teams will fear us.
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